Abyssal Lockpicks – GearAscendancy.com (2024)

Level Requirement: 1

Stats Modifier: None

Skills: Sleight of Hand (+2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks when attempting to pick locks)

Cost: 80 gold pieces (or the equivalent in your TTRPG currency)

Tags: Equipment, Tools, Lockpicking, Magical, Trap Bypass

Lore: Abyssal Lockpicks are finely crafted tools made from darkened steel infused with Abysium, the mystical substance known for its association with the shadows and dark arts. These lockpicks were originally created by skilled artisans who sought to develop a tool specifically tailored to overcome enchanted or magically reinforced locks. The infusion of Abysium grants the lockpicks an inherent affinity for unlocking mechanisms and enhances their effectiveness against magically protected barriers.

According to legends, the Abyssal Lockpicks were first devised by a notorious rogue who delved into the realm of shadows and sought to outwit the most intricate and arcane locks. Through their relentless pursuit of knowledge and mastery over the arts of lockpicking, they discovered the unique properties of Abysium and harnessed its power in crafting these specialized tools.

Use: When used by a skilled individual, the Abyssal Lockpicks grant a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks when attempting to pick locks. Lockpicks possess a heightened sensitivity to the mechanisms within locks, allowing for greater precision and finesse. Additionally, due to their inherent connection with Abysium, the lockpicks have a chance to bypass magical wards or traps associated with locked doors or chests. This gives the user an advantage when faced with locks protected by magical enchantments or trapped mechanisms.

The Abyssal Lockpicks are particularly valuable for characters specializing in stealth, thievery, or infiltration. They provide an edge when navigating through locked doors, chests, or other secured areas, especially those protected by magical means. The lockpicks’ ability to bypass magical wards or traps associated with locks makes them an essential tool for rogues, thieves, or anyone seeking to gain access to forbidden or heavily guarded places.

Abyssal Lockpicks, given their specialized nature and connection to the shadow arts, would not be found in common marketplaces or general goods stores. Instead, they would be sought out and acquired through more discreet channels:

  • Shadow Markets: These hidden bazaars exist in the underbelly of major cities, catering to those seeking illicit or unconventional goods. Operated by shadowy figures and frequented by rogues, thieves, and those dabbling in darker magic, shadow markets would be a prime location to find Abyssal Lockpicks. Prices here may fluctuate depending on the seller and the buyer’s negotiation skills, but the base cost of 80 gold pieces would likely remain consistent.
  • Specialized Tool Shops: While rare, there might be a few secretive shops specializing in tools for unconventional professions. These establishments, often tucked away in obscure alleys or disguised as unassuming storefronts, cater to lockpickers, trap disarmers, and those who require tools for clandestine activities. These shops might offer Abyssal Lockpicks at a premium price, perhaps even higher than the standard 80 gold pieces, due to their rarity and specialized nature.
  • Direct Commission: For those with connections to skilled artisans or those versed in the dark arts, commissioning a set of Abyssal Lockpicks directly might be an option. This would involve seeking out a reputable craftsperson or enchanter capable of working with Abysium and providing them with the necessary materials and instructions. The cost for such a commission would likely be higher than the base price, depending on the artisan’s skill and reputation, but it would ensure a set of lockpicks tailored to the buyer’s specific needs.

In the world of Saṃsāra, acquiring Abyssal Lockpicks would require discretion, knowledge of the hidden networks, and a willingness to venture into the darker corners of society. The cost, whether in gold pieces or favors, would reflect the rarity and specialized nature of these tools, making them a valuable asset for those who possess the skills and knowledge to wield them effectively.

Abyssal Lockpicks can be used both offensively and defensively in roleplay scenarios within the world of Saṃsāra:

  • Offensive Use:
    • Infiltration: In a stealth-based scenario, a character can use the Abyssal Lockpicks to bypass locked doors or chests, gaining access to guarded areas or valuable items without alerting enemies. This can be particularly useful in dungeons, fortresses, or high-security locations.
    • Disabling Traps: The lockpicks’ ability to bypass magical wards can be used to disarm traps protecting treasure chambers or secret passages. This allows the character to safely navigate through dangerous environments and reach their objective.
    • Sabotage: Abyssal Lockpicks can be used to unlock and tamper with enemy equipment or storage areas. This could involve stealing supplies, planting false evidence, or disabling crucial mechanisms to gain an advantage in a conflict.
    • Escape: If captured or imprisoned, a skilled character could use the lockpicks to escape from their cell or restraints, opening up opportunities for counterattack or retreat.
  • Defensive Use:
    • Securing Valuables: A character can use the lockpicks to open their own locks and ensure that their belongings are secure. This can be especially important when traveling through dangerous territories or staying in questionable accommodations.
    • Unlocking Allies: In a rescue mission or hostage situation, Abyssal Lockpicks can be used to free allies who have been imprisoned or restrained. This can turn the tide of battle and provide a valuable advantage.
    • Accessing Hidden Areas: The lockpicks can be used to unlock secret passages or hidden rooms within a character’s own base or hideout. This could reveal valuable information, hidden treasures, or provide an escape route in case of emergency.
  • Roleplay Considerations:
    • Skill Checks: The use of Abyssal Lockpicks should always be accompanied by appropriate skill checks, such as Sleight of Hand, to determine the character’s success in picking the lock or bypassing the trap.
    • Consequences: Failure to pick a lock or disarm a trap could result in unwanted attention, triggering alarms, releasing traps, or alerting nearby enemies.
    • Narrative Impact: The use of Abyssal Lockpicks should be integrated into the overall narrative of the game. Their use can create suspenseful moments, open up new avenues for exploration, or provide opportunities for character development as they navigate the challenges and consequences of their actions.

By incorporating these considerations into roleplay scenarios, Abyssal Lockpicks can become a versatile tool that adds depth and excitement to the game, whether used for offense, defense, or a combination of both.

Perception of Activation:

  • Sight:
    • Perceived: A faint, shimmering aura around the lockpicks, almost like heat haze but with a cool, bluish tint. The metal itself seems to darken slightly, as if absorbing light.
    • Description: The aura is subtle and fleeting, visible only in the periphery of vision. It might be mistaken for a trick of the light or an afterimage.
    • Positives: The visual cue can help confirm that the lockpicks are active and attuned to their task, providing a subtle confidence boost.
    • Negatives: The effect is so subtle that it might be missed entirely, especially in dimly lit environments or by those with poor eyesight.
  • Sound:
    • Perceived: A soft hum or resonance emanating from the lockpicks, barely audible above the ambient noise. The sound might be described as similar to the buzzing of an insect or the gentle crackling of static electricity.
    • Description: The sound is almost subliminal, easily masked by other noises or dismissed as background hum. It might be more noticeable in quiet environments or to those with acute hearing.
    • Positives: The auditory feedback can serve as a subtle confirmation that the lockpicks are active and engaged with the lock’s mechanisms.
    • Negatives: The sound is so faint that it might be easily overlooked, especially in noisy environments or by those with hearing impairments.
  • Touch:
    • Perceived: A slight tingling or warmth in the hand holding the lockpicks, as if a mild electrical current were passing through them. The metal itself might feel slightly colder and smoother than usual.
    • Description: The sensation is subtle and localized, primarily affecting the fingertips and palm of the hand in contact with the lockpicks. It might be mistaken for a change in temperature or a nervous tremor.
    • Positives: The tactile feedback can provide a sense of connection to the lockpicks and their magical properties, enhancing the user’s focus and precision.
    • Negatives: The sensation might be distracting or even uncomfortable for some individuals, especially those with sensitive skin or sensory sensitivities.
  • Smell:
    • Perceived: A faint, metallic scent with a hint of ozone, reminiscent of the air after a thunderstorm or near electrical equipment.
    • Description: The scent is barely noticeable, easily masked by other odors or dismissed as a passing whiff. It might be more perceptible to those with a keen sense of smell.
    • Positives: The olfactory cue can serve as a subtle reminder of the lockpicks’ connection to Abysium and their magical nature.
    • Negatives: The scent is so faint that it might be easily missed, especially in areas with strong odors or by those with a diminished sense of smell.
  • Taste:
    • Perceived: No discernible taste.
    • Description: The lockpicks themselves should not be tasted, as they are not meant for consumption and might have unknown side effects.
    • Positives: None.
    • Negatives: Potential for harm if ingested due to the unknown properties of Abysium.
  • Extra-Sensory Perceptions:
    • Empathy: A heightened sense of the lock’s resistance and vulnerabilities, as if the lockpicks were communicating with the user on a subconscious level.
    • Intuition: A gut feeling or instinctual knowledge of the correct way to manipulate the lockpicks, as if guided by an unseen force.
    • Premonition: A fleeting vision or sense of foreboding if the lock is trapped or guarded, warning the user of potential danger.
    • Psychometry: The ability to glean information about the lock’s history or the people who have used it, providing clues about its weaknesses or potential countermeasures.
    • Synesthesia: The perception of the lock’s mechanisms as colors, sounds, or other sensory experiences, aiding in the understanding of its inner workings.

These extra-sensory perceptions are often associated with individuals who have a strong connection to magic or possess innate psychic abilities. They can provide valuable insights and advantages when using Abyssal Lockpicks, but they are not guaranteed to occur for every user.

Forging the Shadows’ Embrace: A Recipe for Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Materials Needed:
    • Abysium Shard: A small, jagged fragment of Abysium, the mystical substance associated with shadows and dark magic. This can be found in the depths of ancient ruins, shadowy grottos, or obtained from creatures attuned to the abyss.
    • Darkened Steel Ingot: A high-quality steel ingot that has been treated with a special alloy to give it a darkened, almost black appearance. This can be obtained from skilled blacksmiths or found in abandoned workshops.
    • Finely Ground Shadow Dust: A rare powder created by grinding the essence of shadows captured in enchanted vessels. This can be acquired from alchemists or practitioners of shadow magic.
  • Tools Required:
    • Forge: A high-temperature forge capable of melting and shaping metal.
    • Anvil: A sturdy surface for hammering and shaping the metal.
    • Hammer: A blacksmith’s hammer for forging the lockpicks.
    • Tongs: To handle the hot metal during the forging process.
    • File: To refine the shape and edges of the lockpicks.
    • Enchanting Table: A surface imbued with magical energy to infuse the lockpicks with Abysium.
  • Skill Requirements:
    • Blacksmithing (Advanced): The ability to forge and shape metal with precision and expertise.
    • Enchanting (Apprentice): The ability to imbue objects with magical properties.
    • Sleight of Hand (Journeyman): The ability to manipulate objects with dexterity and finesse.
  • Crafting Steps:
    • Preparation: Gather all the required materials and tools in a well-lit and ventilated workspace. Ensure that the forge is heated to the appropriate temperature for working with steel.
    • Forging the Base: Heat the darkened steel ingot in the forge until it becomes malleable. Using the hammer and tongs, shape the ingot into the basic form of a lockpick, ensuring it is long and slender with a pointed tip and a flat handle.
    • Infusion: Place the Abysium shard on the enchanting table and activate it with a focus spell or incantation. Carefully place the forged lockpick on the table, allowing the Abysium’s energy to permeate the metal. This process may take several hours or even days, depending on the potency of the shard.
    • Refinement: Once the infusion is complete, use the file to refine the shape of the lockpick, ensuring that the tip is sharp and precise. The handle should be comfortable to grip and manipulate.
    • Shadow Dust Application: Sprinkle a small amount of finely ground shadow dust onto the lockpick, focusing your intent on enhancing its ability to bypass magical wards. The dust should adhere to the metal, creating a subtle shimmering effect.
    • Final Touches: Inspect the lockpick for any imperfections and make any necessary adjustments. Clean the lockpick thoroughly and apply a thin layer of oil to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation.
    • Testing: Test the Abyssal Lockpicks on various locks, both mundane and magically enhanced, to ensure their functionality and effectiveness.

By following these steps and utilizing the required skills and materials, a skilled artisan can create a set of Abyssal Lockpicks, a valuable tool for those who seek to unlock the secrets hidden behind locked doors and guarded treasures.

Tale of the Shadow’s Key

In the epoch before epochs, when shadows danced with starlight and the abyss whispered secrets to the wind, there lived a cunning rogue named Khel. Khel, a master of shadows and secrets, sought a tool to unlock the mysteries of the world, a key to open doors both mundane and magical.

Guided by whispers on the ethereal breeze, Khel ventured into the heart of a forgotten ruin, a labyrinth of darkness where ancient echoes lingered. Deep within, they found a shard of Abysium, a fragment of the abyss given form. This shard, pulsating with shadowy energy, held the promise of Khel’s desires.

With deft hands and a heart fueled by ambition, Khel forged a set of lockpicks from the shard, infusing them with the essence of the abyss. These lockpicks, born from shadow and steel, became known as the Abyssal Lockpicks.

Khel’s legend grew as they unlocked the secrets of forgotten tombs, bypassed the wards of ancient vaults, and outwitted the most cunning of traps. The Abyssal Lockpicks became an extension of Khel’s will, a conduit for their mastery over shadows and secrets.

Yet, as Khel’s power grew, so too did their arrogance. They sought to unlock the most forbidden of doors, to trespass upon realms where mortals were not meant to tread. And so, one fateful night, Khel sought to unlock the gates of the abyss itself.

But the abyss, a realm of infinite darkness and insatiable hunger, devoured Khel and their lockpicks, leaving behind only whispers of their legend.

The moral of the story: Seek knowledge and mastery, but beware the depths of ambition. For even the most cunning of tools can lead to ruin if wielded without wisdom and restraint.

Suggested conversions to other systems:

Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)

Name: Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Skill Used: Locksmith
  • Bonus: +20% to Locksmith skill checks on magically locked or trapped doors/containers.
  • Special: On a successful Locksmith check, the Keeper may secretly roll a d100. On a roll of 96-100, the lockpicks bypass a single magical trap or ward on the door/container.
  • Notes: Investigators should be wary of using these lockpicks too often, as their association with the abyss may attract unwanted attention from otherworldly entities.

Blades in the Dark

Name: Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Tier: I
  • Effect: When picking a lock, roll +2d to the crew’s total. If the lock is magically reinforced or trapped, you may also roll +1d to discover and bypass a single trap or ward.
  • Special: These lockpicks are infused with dark magic, and their use may attract unwanted attention from supernatural forces.

Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition)

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Wondrous Item, Rare
  • Properties:
    • You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to pick locks.
    • When you use these lockpicks to attempt to pick a lock that is magically protected or trapped, you can add a d4 to the roll.
    • If the roll is successful, you bypass one magical trap or ward on the lock.


Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Type: Trinket
  • Effect: +1 to any roll when picking a lock, including those protected by magic. The GM may choose to reveal a hidden detail or bypass a trap on a successful roll.
  • Special: These lockpicks are rumored to be cursed, and their prolonged use may attract unwanted attention.

Fate (Accelerated/Core)

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Type: Gear
  • Aspect: “Shadows’ Embrace: +2 to picking locks, bypass magical wards.”
  • Invoke: When picking a lock, you may invoke this aspect to gain a +2 bonus. If the lock is magically protected, you may also discover and overcome a single magical ward or trap.
  • Compel: The GM may compel this aspect to introduce complications or dangers associated with the lockpicks’ shadowy origins.

Numenera/Cypher System

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Level: 1
  • Form: Artifact
  • Effect: When used to pick a lock, reduce the difficulty of the task by one step. If the lock is protected by magic, spend 1 Intellect point to ignore one magical ward or trap.
  • Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Pathfinder (Second Edition)

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Item Level: 1
  • Price: 80 gp
  • Usage: Held in 1 hand
  • Activate: Interact (1 action)
  • Effect: You gain a +2 item bonus to Thievery checks to Disable a Device with the lock trait. If the lock is protected by a magical trap or ward, you can attempt a DC 15 Arcana check. On a success, you disable the trap or ward as part of Disabling the Device.

Savage Worlds

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Description: A set of lockpicks imbued with dark magic.
  • Skill: Lockpicking
  • Bonus: +2 to Lockpicking rolls.
  • Special: When attempting to pick a magically protected lock, you may spend a Benny to negate the magical protection for one attempt.
  • Notes: These lockpicks are whispered to be cursed, and their prolonged use may attract unwanted attention.

Shadowrun (Sixth World)

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Category: Gear, Security
  • Rating: 4
  • Availability: 12R
  • Legality: Restricted
  • Cost: 2,000 nuyen
  • Effect: The user gains +2 dice to Lockpicking tests. Against magically warded locks, the user may spend an Edge point to automatically bypass one ward.
  • Notes: These lockpicks are rumored to whisper secrets of the abyss to their users, which can be both a blessing and a curse.


Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Level: 1
  • Price: 80 credits
  • Bulk: L
  • Usage: Held in 1 hand
  • Activate: Interact (1 action)
  • Description: These lockpicks are crafted from a strange, dark metal and grant a +2 item bonus to Engineering checks to disable locks. Additionally, the user may attempt a Mysticism check against the DC of any magical trap or ward on the lock. On a success, the trap or ward is disabled.

Traveller (Mongoose 2nd Edition)

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Skill: Jack-of-All-Trades (Electronics)
  • Effect: +2 DM when attempting to bypass a mechanical or electronic lock. Against systems protected by psionics or other strange energies, the user may attempt an INT check. Success indicates the lockpicks temporarily negate the protection.
  • Price: 400 Credits

Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory

Abyssal Lockpicks

  • Type: Rare Item
  • Tier: 2
  • Effect: When used in a Tech-Use or Investigation test to bypass a lock, the character gains +20 to their roll. Additionally, if the lock is protected by Warp-based security measures, the character can spend a Wrath point to ignore the protection.
  • Warp Taint: The lockpicks radiate a faint aura of the Warp, and prolonged use may attract the attention of daemons or other Warp entities.
Abyssal Lockpicks – GearAscendancy.com (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.