IBEW Journal, March 2006 - [PDF Document] (2024)

www.ibew.org March 2006®

Voice Heard

I have been a member of this union probably longer that you are old, Mr.Hill.

I opened the first page of the December Journal to read two letters to theeditor, the most despicable buckets of bilge I have read in a long time. State-ments and charges made without any validity. I assure you, not all membersof this union feel as those two writers do. That they should be allowed touse our Journal, in the Christmas issue, without equal comment by thosewho feel different is censorship, denying many of us a voice. For you toassume that all members, active or retired, feel as you do and to allow ourpublication to be used in a partisan manner is a misuse of our Journal andyour office. To show that you’re an equal opportunity leader, print this onthe second page of the next issue.

Thomas R. Hall

Local 1439 retiree, Swansea, Illinois

(President Hill responds: Here it is, but, as regular readers of this spaceknow, we routinely publish letters reflecting many different points of view.)

Truly Blessed

My family and I wish to thank you so much for your relief contributions.They are so greatly appreciated. We, like many others here on the Gulfcoast, have been severely affected by Hurricane Katrina. While we did notcompletely lose our home, many others have. Your help has been such ablessing. We would also like to thank the many members who have beenable to come down and lend a hand with our recovery.

Randy L. Bellon

Local 733 member, Pascagoula, Mississippi

Snow Job

During the past four and a half years, the Bush administration has master-fully maneuvered the American people and national press. Every speechgiven refers to 9/11 or the war on terror. If I had a nickel for every time theterm, “the war on terror” was used, I could retire and forget about the SocialSecurity trust the Republicans are attempting to cut.

All attempts to criticize the president or his policies have been muted bythe drum beats of patriotism. President Bush and Karl Rove (commonlyknown as the architect of Bush policy) have somehow managed to quell thevoice of dissent. When we lose the voice of dissent, we lose liberty.

It makes one wonder what the founding fathers (the patriots that all patri-ots are measured by) would think.

Charles E. Snyder

Local 508 member, Savannah, Georgia



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EDWIN D. HILLInternational President900 Seventh St., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20001

JON F. WALTERSInternational Secretary-Treasurer

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March 2006 Volume 105 Number 2





14 A Vision Comes to Life:IBEW National HealthInsurance Plan


Edwin D. Hill, EDITOR

C. James Spellane, DIRECTOR

Carol A. Cipolari, MANAGING EDITOR






HOW TO REACH USWe welcome letters from our readers.

The writer should include his or her name,address and, if applicable, IBEW local unionnumber and card number. Family membersshould include the local union number of theIBEW member to whom the Journal ismailed. Please keep letters as brief as possi-ble. The Journal reserves the right to selectletters for publication and edit all submis-sions for length.

Send letters to:

Letters to the Editor, IBEW Journal,900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001

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©2006 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. on Union-made paper.

IBEW Journal (ISSN: 0897-2826) Publishedmonthly, except January/February and Octo-ber/November, which are combined issues,by the International Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers, 900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washing-ton, D.C. 20001. Subscriptions prices in theUnited States and Canada, $4 per year inadvance. Periodicals postage paid at Wash-ington, D.C., and at additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes toIBEW Journal, 900 Seventh Street, N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20001. This Journal willnot be held responsible for viewsexpressed by correspondents. Paid adver-tising is not accepted.

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2 Officers’ Message

4 IBEW Currents

7 Safety Corner

18 Local Lines

27 In Memoriam

8 IBEW in Public Office—Kathy Luz Herrera

11 IBEW on Duty

12 Members Design, Build Advanced ResearchCenter

17 Pension Benefit FundSummary Annual Report

25 Enter to Win Your DreamOutdoor Adventure


f you were to go back and look at proceed-ings from past IBEW conventions, youwould see that theissue of a nationalhealth care plan for

the Brotherhood hasbeen a union-widegoal for a long time.

The problems that havemotivated such a vision havealso been around for alongtime: health care costs risingfaster than any other compo-nent of the economy, thesqueeze on wages and otherbenefits to pay for healthinsurance, the erosion ofcoverage as single employersand labor-managementadministered multiemployerplans confront tough choices.

Yet, the obstacles toestablishing a national IBEWhealth plan were real andimposing. Questions of cost,administration and the poten-tial disruption to the existinghealth care structure couldnot be wished away. But asthe IBEW struggled withthese matters, the problemsassociated with health careonly grew worse, making it clear that inaction was thebiggest problem of all.

It was time to cut to the chase. Clearly, there is no bipar-tisan consensus or political backbone in the United States toenact any kind of national health care policy. It was alsoclear that we needed a clear alternative to the currenthodgepodge of plans that exist throughout our branches.

And we needed an alternative to the model that is growingthroughout corporate America where companies sharplycurtail their health care coverage and leave working familieswithout insurance or foist the costs onto Medicaid and other

government programs. The goal is now reached.

The NECA/IBEW FamilyMedical Care Plan formallybecame a reality on the firstof this year.

This plan has not comeabout in haste or without dif-ficulty. It has taken severalyears to get to the pointwhere we were ready tolaunch the plan. Despite theurgency of the problems fac-ing our bargaining units inthe utility, manufacturing,telecommunications andbroadcasting branches andour local and regional Taft-Hartley multiemployer plansin construction, there was noshortcut around the obsta-cles. We had to take thingsone step at a time.

The first step was to startsmall, test the system andthen be ready for expansion.We chose the constructionlocals in the IBEW Tenth Dis-trict, covering in total some5,000 members. As explainedin the words of two businessmanagers in the story thatbegins on page 14 of this

issue, the regional plan covering most construction membersin the Tenth District was being squeezed by cost pressures.The local union leadership and contractors in the districtseized the opportunity to become part of a national plan withstreamlined administration and reduced costs. A local plan inLake Charles, Louisiana, has also joined the national plan.

In health insurance, high costs come about in many ways,

INational Health Plan

FulfillsLong Sought Goal


not the least of which are having too small a pool of coveredemployees, and a series of plans with duplication of adminis-tration and related expenses that occur many times over. Theexpansion of the group covered means that the risk isreduced by spreading it over a much greater population. Thecosts of paperwork, consultants, administration, trustee insur-ance and other costs are consolidated, creating much greaterefficiency of administrative operations.

Our goal is to grow the national plan quickly and respon-sibly. We must continue the process of doing things in steps.Starting from our base of union members and contractors, weare now talking to jointly administered plans in the construc-tion industry throughout the union. We have already joinedwith the National ElectricalCont rac tors Assoc ia t ion(NECA) in developing theplan. IBEW and local NECArepresentatives who areresponsible for the adminis-tration of local or regionalhealth care plans can mosteasily move into the nationalplan.

Even though participationin the national plan isoptional, we hope that ourlocal funds will see the obvi-ous benefit of pooling ourresources and reducing ouradministrative costs. The cri-sis facing many of our mem-bers in the United Statesmakes it clear that we do nothave time for internal politicsor the influence of local planadvisors to get in the way ofour members reaping thebenefits that a national planoffers. We are sorry that someattorneys, actuaries andadministrators may suffer aloss of business if a localfund chooses to join thenational plan, but that mustnot be allowed to stand inthe way of making trueprogress on an issue that hasreached crisis proportionsthroughout the continent.

Our next step will be tooffer our national health careplan to our employers inother industries as an alterna-

tive to their single company policies. We hope to convincethese employers that the same advantages of a wider pool ofcoverage and reduced administrative costs can benefit themas well.

This is the same model that we used successfully in theimplementation of Sav-Rx, our national prescription drug planin 2003. That plan has now grown to cover 219,500 IBEWmembers and their families and management participants.Sav-Rx will also provide the prescription drug coverage seg-ment of the NECA/IBEW Family Medical Care Plan.

Eventually, we may be able to offer coverage on an individ-ual basis to members who work in units that do not participatein the national plan. First, however, we must gain the participa-

tion of local or regional multi-employer plans, followed bysingle employer plans in orderto make the national plangrow in strength.

We know that there willbe many questions surround-ing the launch of this nationalhealth care plan. We cannotunderestimate the magnitudeof the challenge of makingthis work at a time whenescalating costs and otherpressures are affecting healthcare throughout the UnitedStates. We ask for yourpatience, and assure you thatmore information will beavailable soon, as we movestep by step to make thisplan grow and fulfill thevision that many in the IBEWhave had for a long time.

In doing so, we will beliving up to portions of theObjects of the Brotherhoodfound at the beginning of theIBEW Constitution, whichmandate us “to assist eachother in sickness or distress”and “to elevate the moral,intellectual and social condi-tions of our members, theirfamilies and dependents, inthe interest of a higher stan-dard of citizenship.” We con-sider those words to carry asacred trust, and that is whythe national health care planexists today. 1







A building boom in Las Vegas madethe city the hub for the largest-yet NinthDistrict bottom-up organizing blitz of Cali-fornia-based Helix Electric, Inc. The com-pany is the country’s 13th largestnonunion electrical contractor and the tar-get of an intense year-and-a-half-longeffort by the IBEW.

Thirty-two organizers teamed withlocal rank-and-file volunteers—includinga handful of new IBEW members fromHelix—to hand-bill worksites and house-call 181 Helix employees, said Ninth Dis-trict International Representative CecilWynn. They carried in hand a copy of acheck to an IBEW apprentice who wasawarded thousands of dollars in back payby the company for Davis-Bacon wageviolations. They also handed out prevail-ing wage rates for the Las Vegas area,showing the workers what they would bemaking under a union contract.

Wynn said when Helix employees

focused on the cost of union dues, hepointed out that dues totaled nearly halfof what the nonunion workers have topay for health and welfare benefits—freeto union members.

“Response was about 50-50,” saidLocal 357 organizer Al Davis. “About halfthought we were full of crap and thatHelix was right. The other half thoughtHelix was lying to them.”

Participating locals included: Local 11,Los Angeles; Local 180, Vallejo, Calif.;Local 191, Everett, Washington; Local 234,Castroville, Calif.; Local 302, Martinez,Calif.; Local 332, San Jose, Calif.; Local340, Sacramento, Calif.; Local 357, LasVegas, Nev.; Local 401, Reno, Nev.; Local440, Riverside, Calif.; Local 441, SantaAna, Calif.; Local 477, San Bernardino,Calif.; Local 551, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Local569, San Diego, Calif.; Local 595, Dublin,Calif.; Local 617, San Mateo, Calif.; andLocal 952, Ventura, Calif. 1

Las Vegas Organizing BlitzInvolves 15 LocalsA coordinated West Coast organizing campaign involving 17locals in California, Washington and Nevada landed in LasVegas in October, putting hundreds of workers on notice thatthe IBEW wants them.

Maine Locals Recaptures ResidentialMarket

Quality work, competitive prices and ahard-to-resist guarantee are helping buildthe IBEW’s presence in the residentialsector in Maine.

The Plus 5 program, a pioneering resi-dential organizing program from theIBEW’s Sixth Vice Presidential District, hastransformed Portland Local 567 andAugusta Local 1253 from non-players to aforce in Maine housing construction.

“The climate here is very anti-unionand we hadn’t done a very good job atselling ourselves,” said Local 567 BusinessManager Milton McBreairty. “But this pro-gram has opened a lot of doors for us.”

Plus 5 alone is responsible for themajor turnaround, where the two localsshare the inside jurisdiction in the state. Inone year, they have signed approximately41 contractors, including previouslynonunion contractors and members open-ing their own shops. In early November,Local 567 ran out of members to man resi-dential worksites. Today, it is strippingnonunion workers and, for the first time,placing ads in the newspaper for qualifiedelectricians. Local 1253 is averaging fivecalls a day on its dedicated Plus 5 line.

Plus 5, which targets new single-familyhomes as well as apartment and condo-minium buildings, extends five yearsbeyond a builder’s standard one-yearwarranty for electrical work. Under it,new home builders and owners are guar-anteed quality workmanship, trained elec-tricians, the latest technology, freeestimates and five years of worry-freeelectrical work. The multi-year warranty isparticularly attractive to homeownersseeking peace of mind. Plus 5 was pio-neered in the Sixth District, largely thoughthe efforts of Jim Dudley, a now-retiredSixth District residential organizing coor-dinator.

At Local 567, Plus 5 was launchedwith a contractor development programthat provides key assistance for memberscontemplating opening their own busi-nesses. Crafting business plans, managingfinances and the art of estimating are allcovered. For ongoing resource sharing,


More than 60 IBEW members partici-pated in hand-billing and house-callinga large nonunion electrical contractorOctober in Las Vegas.


they convened a con-tractor roundtable,which is now at workon an effort to stan-dardize methods sothat precise measure-ments, fuse box con-tents and outlet heightsare uniform amongsignatory contractors.

Two and a halfyears ago, Local 1253had 11 signatory con-tractors. Since then,they have signed 28—most of whom arelocal union members who opened theirown shops. Many of those nonunionshops who signed up with the local wereinfluenced by the Plus 5 radio and phonebook ads, said Business Manager WayneRancourt.

Local 567’s residential training pro-gram recognizes that housing construc-tion is a specialized field that requiresdifferent skills for the fast-paced industry

that emphasizes high productivity. The Maine Housing Authority, which

distributes funds for low-income housing,is also giving the program a push byfavoring contractors who provide on-the-job training and health insurance to theirworkers. Local 567 Business Develop-ment Director Allan Shepard said that bycreating work opportunities the local isalso helping its organizing efforts.

Putting a successfulPlus 5 program intoplace involves cultivat-ing training programsand committees andcontractors dedicatedto residential work.Marketing is key to thesuccess of the pro-gram. In Maine, theyprint brochures andsell Plus 5 at housingfairs, to developers,real estate agents andfinancial institutions.Locals 567 and 1253

frequently share resources, including theWeb site at www.plus5maine. com.

Local 1253 organizer Calvin Murphysends letters to contractors, developersand insurance companies weekly to get out the word about Plus 5. Asidefrom the warranty, what gets theirattention are statistics about electricalfires taking 3,200 lives a year and costing

The Plus 5 residential electrical construction exhibit travels to home shows withMaine Plus 5 Coordinator Calvin Murphy, left, and Augusta Local 1253 BusinessManager Wayne Rancourt.

IBEW membership is often passed from generation togeneration. But in the case of the Burbidge family, five broth-ers joined Seattle Local 77 one at a time until all were in thetrade. Today, all five work in the line construction industry—three for a contractor and two othersfor the local utility, Grays Harbor Pub-lic Utility District.

Jake Burbidge, 33, was the first tohire into the IBEW, after taking a sum-mer job as a grunt. “I was hired andhooked from there,” he said. Aftertwo years of college, he took anapprenticeship through the North-west JATC and topped out in 1996.Today he works for Grays HarborPUD, as does his older brother, Phil,35. Phil Burbidge, who also attendedtwo years of college, and headed intothe JATC, graduating in 1997.

Ryan Burbidge, 31, is a line crew foreman employed byMichel’s Power, based in Brownsfield, Wis., which contractswith Grays Harbor PUD for new line construction. Ryan Bur-bidge, who graduated from apprenticeship school in 1998,worked as a utility lineman for three years before returning toconstruction. Ryan enjoys working with his younger brothers

Cale, 28, an outside lineman who topped out in 2001, andMark, 26, an apprentice who is slated to top out in 2007. CaleBurbidge works under big brother Ryan as his lineman andMark Burbidge, a college graduate, is Ryan’s hot apprentice.

These days, they are windingdown an eight-month, $4 million pro-ject building 11.5 miles of transmis-sion line near the Washington coast.They attribute their success on thejob to working together as well aswith crew staples and fellow IBEWLocal 77 members Steve Douglass,Joel Mounts and Jake Bell. “It’s niceto work with people you’re always onthe same page with and trust toalways watch your back,” Ryan Bur-bidge said.

Raised on a small dairy farm byparents Lyle and Kathy Burbidge, the

boys have always been close, and share a love for thecamaraderie of line work.

“They’re well known as hard workers with upstandingvalues,” Kathy Burbidge said. “They are awesome men.”

Katie Burbidge, the youngest sibling, opted out of theIBEW, but occasionally works as her brother Ryan’s flagger.1


Local 77 brothers in every sense of the wordare, from left, Jake, 33, Phil, 35, Ryan, 31, Cale,28, and Mark, 26, Burbidge, at a new line con-struction site on the Washington coast.

(Continued on page 26)



Edward J. FranceJr., who served

as a special assis-t an t to fo rmerIBEW InternationalSecretary JosephKeenan, passedaway on Decem-ber 25, 2005. Hewas 94.

After serving asoffice manager anddispatcher for Port-land, Oregon, Local125, France was assigned to theInternational Office staff in 1954to work on office proceduresand local union accounting.France led efforts to convertIBEW’s paper membership filesto computer databases.

Nancy Kressler, France’soldest daughter, says that hewas originally scheduled to berelocated to San Francisco aftera brief stint in Washington. “Hedid such a thorough job, how-ever,” says Ms. Kressler, “theofficers asked him to stay on.”

Educated inPortland’s publicschools , Francea t t e n d e d t h eBehnke -Wa l ke rSchool of Business.

France retiredfrom the Interna-tional Office onDecember 30, 1976.An active memberof the National Cap-ital Area TradeUn ion Re t i r ee s

Club, France appreciated musicand botany. He sang with thePortland Symphony and lovedthe opera. During his years inOregon, he collected rare andunusual rhododendron fromall over the world.

Brother France leavesbehind his wife of 69 years,Lola Mae, his daughters,Nancy Kressler of Greenbelt,Maryland, and Linda Leamanof Clinton, Maryland, and ason, Richard France of IowaCity, Iowa. He also leaves six


Edward J.France

P eter B. McCue,a retired Third

District Interna-tional Representa-tive, died on Dec-ember 11, 2005.He was 80. Initi-ated into the IBEWin 1954, BrotherMcCue served asbusiness managerand president ofNewark, New Jer-sey, Local 1159,which represented workers atEdison Industries. Local 1159amalgamated with NewarkLocal 1158 in 1992. McCue wasactive in the E.I. Mutual Associ-ation, a group of employees atEdison Industries. Later, McCuejoined former Hazleton, Penn-sylvania, Local 686.

Tom Burke Jr., businessmanager of former Local 686says, “Peter was a great help toour local, which was construc-tion-based, in representingnearly 800 of our manufactur-

ing members intwo plants.”

Appointed asInternational Rep-resentative in 1961,McCue organizedand serviced localunions in the man-ufacturing sector.He took courses atRutgers Universityand attended theNewark College ofEngineering.

McCue, who enjoyed trav-eling, reading, gardening andamateur astronomy, retired in1985. He served as a volunteercourier and Catholic Chap-lain’s aide two days eachweek at Morristown MemorialHosp i ta l . McCue oncedescribed his volunteer workas “among the most rewardingthings I have ever done.”

The officers and membersof the IBEW convey our heart-felt sympathies to the family ofBrother McCue. 1

grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

The officers and members

of the IBEW convey our deep-est sympathies to the Francefamily. 1



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M M Do you have a home emergency plan, anddoes it cover all emergencies like fire,weather, etc.? Does your family practice it?

M M Does your plan include smoke, gas and car-bon monoxide detectors?

M M Do you have a weather radio and do all mem-bers of your family know what the signalsmean?

M M Can each member of your family tell you twoways out of your home? If your second wayout of a two-story home is a window, do youneed a safety ladder? If you live in a high-rise,does your family know—and practice—twoways out of the building? (Remember that anelevator is never a way out during a fire.)

M M Can all members of your family operate thelocks, windows and doors for escape?

M M Does your family understand to leave or seekshelter when an alarm sounds?

M M Does each member of your family knowwhere to go after evacuating your home?

M M Does each member of your family know whoto call for help and are the telephone numbersposted?

M M In a weather-related emergency, does yourfamily know where to seek shelter?

M M Escape planning and smoke detectors areessential for getting everyone out safely. Arethe batteries routinely replaced?

M M Does your family understand that once theyare outside, they should stay outside?

M M Do you have a first-aid kit and is it fullystocked?

M M Do you have a fire extinguisher and is it ser-viced?

M M Do you encourage family members to takefirst-aid and CPR classes?

M M If needed, do members of your family knowhow to shut off the water, gas and electricityto your home?

M M Does your plan cover whom to call in case ofa utility problem?

M M Do you maintain a supply of tarps or plywoodto cover openings created by a storm or fire?

M M Do you have flashlights, radios, etc., and moreimportantly, batteries located in a central areaknown to all family members?

At work, we require our employers to provide training, safety programs, proper tools and whatever else isnecessary to protect workers on the job. So why not take advantage of this training knowledge that we havereceived at work and apply it at home? If we don’t keep ourselves and our families safe at home, no one elsewill. At work, we stay safe for our families. At home, protect your family from emergencies by developing ahome emergency response plan.

The following checklist may help in developing an emergency plan for families to follow in any disaster.

If your responses to the majority of the questions asked in the checklist are “YES,” then you are well on your wayto developing a plan. If your answers are “NO” to all or most of these questions, then develop and implement a homeplan as soon as possible. 1

Scoring: _____YES _____ NO


IBEW activist Kathy Luz Herrera first contested

an election for public office on a friend’s dare in

2001. Campaigning with a third-party endorse-

ment in the Democratic primary for legislator in

Tompkins County, she won by a 2-to-1 margin

and went on to victory in the general election.

Four years later, the member of Ithaca, New York, Local 241was a seasoned and widely respected leader. She ran unop-posed in her bid for re-election to the county office on theDemocratic line. “I bring a working person’s perspective tocounty government,” she says. “I’m plainspoken, but I alwaysstay mindful of the interests of diverse groups and the impor-tance of differences of opinion.”

For this Texas native and 17-year IBEW member, politics isnot just something she does. Politics is who she is.

Herrera, 53, a maintenance electrician on the campus of Cor-nell University, is the daughter of John J. Herrera, a taxi driver-turned-lawyer and celebrated pioneer in the fight for the civilrights of Mexican-Americans. Her mother, Olivia, a self-educatedmigrant farm worker, was a grassroots activist.

“I remember when it was an honor to aspire to publicoffice,” says Herrera. She recalls how her father arranged forPresident John F. Kennedy and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy toaddress a gathering of Mexican-Americans at Houston’s AlbertThomas Convention Center. Her voice trembles as she describesMrs. Kennedy rising to address the audience in Spanish. “I knewthat Mexican-Americans had arrived, that our votes were beingtaken seriously,” she said. The date will never leave her. Presi-dent Kennedy was assassinated the next day in Dallas.

Herrera spent the late 1970’s and early 1980’s working onwhat she calls “non-traditional” jobs in the downtown Houstonarea. Hired as a stockman at the Southwestern Bell TelephoneCompany, she was promoted to installer, then to repairman, amember of the Communications Workers of America. “I lovedworking outside, climbing poles and gaining experience trou-ble-shooting,” she says. She attended technical school, receiveda mechanical license from the city of Houston, and worked for atime for the State of Texas as a boiler operator, going under-ground beneath the governor’s mansion.

The Texas oil bubble burst in the late 1980’s, and work slack-

ened for Herrera. Just as troubling as the economy, she says,was what had become of the political optimism of her youth.“President Reagan demonized people in public service,” shesaid and “spread the notion that government is inherently bad.”When he fired the air traffic controllers, adds Herrera, “I got aglimmer of how dangerous that thinking is.”

On a summer trip to upstate New York, Herrera decided toleave her home state. She applied for an apprenticeship withLocal 241, interviewed and was accepted. It wasn’t long beforeshe requested to represent the local at the IBEW’s Third DistrictWomen’s Conference. The local agreed to sponsor her participa-tion. Impressed by her strong advocacy skills, members of Local241 elected Herrera shop representative and chief Cornell Build-ing Trades delegate to the county building trades council.

Working at Cornell deepened Herrera’s appreciation of thediverse gifts of Tompkins County. She applied her skills to main-


taining buildings, old and new. On her maintenance route wereaging, but revered, vine-covered campus cornerstones mixed inwith modern research structures, like the underground WilsonSynchrotron, a particle physics accelerator.

As home to Cornell University and Ithaca College, thecounty’s main industries are education and a growing high-techsector. But there are still many small family farms going backgenerations. As chairman of the county’s planning, develop-ment and environmental quality committee, she has supportedtax relief for family farmers who want to work the land, ratherthan sell to developers.

Herrera first ran for legislator in Tompkins County—popula-tion 100,000—in 2001 on a dare from Jen Bloom, a formerIthaca resident who coordinated the Women Labor Leaders Cir-cle. Bloom asked Herrera if she was interested in running inthe Democratic primary for a vacant position on the TompkinsCounty Board of Representatives. Herrera told her “I’m not theone you seek, but I will help.”Bloom replied, “Don’t you think youcan do it?” “She was daring me,”says Herrera. “I had to run, and Iknew that I could succeed.”

Herrera appealed to the Democ-ratic ward committee for its endorse-ment. After the committee pickedanother candidate, Democrats andindependents urged her to run, andseek the endorsem*nt of NewYork’s Working Families Party.

Herrera secured the party’sendorsem*nt and went to work tosatisfy a county ordinance requiring200 names on a petition to run foroffice.

After announcing her can-didacy at a playground builtwith IBEW help, she startedvisiting groups that she hadworked with, including localsof the machinists, laborers andother unions. She spoke atmembership meetings,enlisting volunteers andsupport for her campaign.She visited homes of resi-dents who lived near majorintersections, discussedissues facing the communityand won their approval toplace her oversized cam-paign signs on theirfront lawns.

The key to thecampaign, says Her-rera, was buildingthe widest possible

base of support. “You can’t wear one label and excite people’sinterest,” says Herrera. “I’m an advocate of organized labor, a His-panic, a Catholic and I’m openly gay,” she says.

Herrera’s union label moved voters to her side. While peti-tioning door-to-door, a Herrera volunteer gave a man a card fea-turing the candidate’s background and platform. He, at first,declined to sign the petition, but later came back out, called tothe volunteer and signed the petition, saying, “I didn’t know thatshe [Herrera] was a union electrician”.

One of Herrera’s campaign themes was the need to elect can-didates who would not play residents off against one another.Tompkins County, for instance, contains a large constituency ofenvironmental voters who are often opposed to growth. Theyare sometimes in conflict with labor unions and commercialinterests. Herrera, who has been trained in community mediationtechniques, says, “I listened to each side’s concerns, and then Iadvocated growth proposals that were pro-labor and pro-envi-

ronment.” Herrera promoted her interest in improving public

transportation. Prior to her campaign, she had won aseat on the board of directors of Tompkins Consoli-dated Area Transit, speaking up for keeping fares lowand making sure that transit routes serve all segmentsof the community. Herrera, who is set to becomechairman of the transit board in 2007, insisted that the


(Continued on next page)

Candidate Kathy Luz Herrera

petitions Ithaca resident in campaign for Tompkins County legislator.

transit authority preserve worker benefits when the system reor-ganized, impacting unions representing drivers and otheremployees.

A self-professed “data freak,” Herrera searched for newlyregistered voters. She called or visited them, without regard totheir party affiliation, convincing some to change their politicalidentifications. She targeted mailings to Hispanic and Asian vot-ers, encouraging them to become politi-cally active.

When a member of the Green Partyexpressed an interest in running againsther, Herrera set up a meeting with him.They ended up talking for over fourhours. He instead decided to endorseher candidacy, convinced that she wouldbe a legislator true to her word.

Herrera won the Democratic primaryby a 2-to-1 margin and went on to aneasy victory in the general election.

Herrera takes pride in being part ofstrategic discussions that have shapedTompkins County’s recent economicdevelopment. High-tech firms and gov-ernment contractors have been recruitedto provide employment in an area wheremanufacturing long ago declined.

Mike Talarski, Local 241’s businessmanager, who was one of Herrera’sapprenticeship classmates, has beenattending Industr ia l DevelopmentAgency meetings with her. He says,“Kathy stands up for local people. Shelets everyone know that she’s a unionmember.” Talarski praises Herrera forhelping to win mandates for the countyto provide the same guarantee as statelaw requiring apprenticeship participants on projects above $1million. Three months after it was passed in the county, thesame measure was approved in the city of Ithaca. “I hopeKathy stays in public office and moves up,” says Talarski.

Since the population of Ithaca balloons to 100,000 when col-leges are in session and drops by nearly 30,000 in the summer-time, Herrera and other county leaders discussed ways to keepthe economy flourishing year-round. They have focused onmarketing the area’s gorges, rivers and other natural wonders toattract tourists, bicyclists, hikers and climbers.

“We have been able to bring dollars into our area whilemaintaining our quality of life, avoiding the strip-mall sceneselsewhere,” says Herrera.

In January, Herrera was appointed to the county work forceinvestment board, which allocates money for job training pro-grams. She hopes to tap her expanded influence to support

project labor agreements, a living wage and job training for theunemployed and underemployed.

Herrera doesn’t just pay lip service to job training and life-long learning programs. She’s a dynamic participant. Working toadd the mortar board to her many hats, she maintains a 3.6GPA at Cornell University’s renowned School of Industrial andLabor Relations. She has been admitted to the National Societyof Collegiate Scholars.

In 2003, Herrera was selected for a fellowship to HarvardUniversity for the Senior Executives in State and Local Govern-ment program.

Herrera’s Web site (www.herrera-forithaca.com) reinforces her governingstyle and coalition-building nature. Parttribune, bulletin board, link betweencounty groups of all stripes and part cel-ebration of her family roots, the siteincludes a questionnaire soliciting opin-ions and volunteers to get involved. Her-rera’s mission statement is prominentlydisplayed: “As your representative, Iapproach policymaking as more than thesum of individual issues and parts. Iwant to keep the high quality of life inTompkins County within reach of all ofus.”

Herrera often reflects upon a politicalclimate that has changed from the onethat she encountered when she settled inIthaca. A Republican majority on theTomkins County Board of Representativeshas shifted to an 11 to 4 Democraticmajority, including five women, two fromminority groups.

Last November, Herrera was re-elected to office, running unopposedwith a 48 percent turnout from herhome district and an over 29 percentturnout from the Town of Ithaca’s ninthdistrict. She continues to reel in acco-

lades from her community.The Community Dispute Resolution Center presented its

Eighth Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Peacemaker Award to Her-rera in January, for “her life-long commitment to economic jus-tice for all people.”

“I would never have succeeded in public office without thesupport of my brothers and sisters in the IBEW,” says Herrera.From leadership training and fund-raising to support from JATCDirector Jake Benninger—which enabled her to balance her joband legislative responsibilities—the IBEW was always there.

Herrera, who has addressed IBEW members in workshopson running for public office, says, “Politics is not reserved foranyone special. This is our turn in the barrel. This is the timefor good and decent people, many of whom have alreadyserved on PTA’s and school boards to step up and run forhigher offices.” 1


“This is our turn

in the barrel. This is the

time for good and decent

people, many of whom

have already served

on PTA’s and school

boards to step up and

run for higher offices.”

Coalition Strategy(Continued from page 9)


Tragically, Kading, anelectrical apprentice withMadison, Wisconsin, Local159, died on October 31,two weeks after beinginjured in an improvisedbomb attack near his con-voy outside Tikrit. He isthe second IBEW memberto die in the Iraq conflict.

Sergeant First Class Kad-ing, assigned to the Mon-clova, Ohio-based 983rdEngineers Batallion, put hiselectrical skills to work inthe war theatre, rebuilding schools andgovernment buildings.

Kading joined the Army 14 years ago,

shortly after graduating highschool. He served in theactive military for sevenyears and became anapprentice while on leave.

Rick Roeth, Kading’sfriend, told the MilwaukeeJournal Sentinel, “He wasvery strong-willed in hisbelief that what he wasdoing was proper and cor-rect. He wanted to makethe world a better place.”

Karla Kading, Matthew’smother, told Madison.com

that she had raised Kading to be a paci-fist. She said, “His missions were to buildup, not to tear down.” 1

They Also ServeWord continues to come in of more

IBEW members doing their duty in Iraq. Huntington, Indiana, Local 983

reports that member David Dixon hasbeen deployed to Iraq.

Two members of Albany, New York,Local 236, are on opposite ends of theirtours of duty. Willie Short, who spentone year working at Ground Zero inNew York City after the terrorist attacksof September 11, 2001, recently shippedout. John Szemplinski, also from Local236, recently returned home from thewar theatre.

Denver, Colorado, Local 68 sent alocal flag and care packages to memberRafael Andrade, who is serving withthe 133rd Engineering Company.

Salem, Oregon, Local 280 reports thatKarl Mielke and Michael Archdeacon,inside apprentices, were both deployed toIraq in October as members of the U.S.Marine Corps Reserves. Mielke, a combatengineer, is clearing land mines. Archdea-con, an electrician, is bringing an oldbuilding up to code for use as barracks.

Andrew Meredith, a member ofSacramento, California, Local 340,returned from Iraqwith plentiful grati-tude for his brothersand sisters. Mered-ith, who was a crewchief on Blackhawkhelicopter missions,wore an IBEW patchon his helmet during500 combat hours,meeting many otherIBEW members. Hethanks Local 340 forsending care packages and a projectorthat was used for flight briefings andmovie nights. Meredith’s co-workers atCosumnes River Power Plant raised

IBEW Members Train Iraqi Troops

Wisconsin Member Dies of Iraq InjuriesMatthew Ronald Kading and Lindsay Sayles, both ArmyReservists, had two months to go on their tour of duty in Iraqbefore their return home and marriage.

While political leaders in Washing-ton, D.C., debate the merits of contin-uing the U.S. presence in Iraq orwithdrawing, nearly all agree that acritical question is the readiness ofIraqi troops to maintain order in theirnation.

Sgt. 1st Class Anthony Radose-vich, a voice/data/video technicianand member of Green Bay, Wiscon-sin, Local 158, is in the middle of theU.S. Army’s efforts to stand up theirIraqi counterparts.

Radosevich, a 16-year Army vet-eran, assists in the management ofinterpreters, coordinates screening

for Iraqi forces on the post anddirects maintenance of the GroundForces Command building in Bagh-dad. Soon he will be training Iraqiarmy troops.

Radosevich is one of several IBEWmembers conducting training in Iraq.National Guardsman Jonathan Flynn,a member of Trenton, New Jersey,Local 269, recently returned homefrom Iraq, where he trained IraqiNational Guard units.

Flynn’s Local 269 union brother,Ed Nowak, a Navy Seabee, recentlyleft for Iraq as a member of a con-struction battery. 1

Matthew Ronald Kading

(Continued on page 17)

Andrew Meredith

At what will be the largest researchfacility of its kind in North America, threecomputer-savvy orangutans and eightbonobos inhabit a world of their making,with touch keyboards that allow the apesto communicate, order food and even

control access to visitors. The technologyand computer equipment was developedby Des Moines contractor T3 Technolo-gies, Inc., which worked with the scien-tists to enhance communicationsbetween the species while giving the

apes more autonomy in their new habitat.“What we came up with is really

beyond the scientists’ expectation of whatwe could accomplish,” said T3 ownerSteve Boers. “A lot of what we did hadnever been done before.”

Boers and his team spent monthsdesigning the first-of-its kind technologyenvisioned by Dr. Sue Savage-Rum-baugh, the scientist who directs bonobo(a type of chimpanzee) research. Thebonobo building is the first of severalprimate homes planned for the preserve.“She would share her vision and wewould go back to our team members tosee if it was possible,” Boers said.

Mostly, it was. Boers and his IBEWemployees, along with equipment suppli-


The snowy cornfields of the Midwest may sound like an unlikelyplace for jungle dwellers, but the Great Ape Trust of Iowa openedin Des Moines last year on a new campus that duplicates the heatand humidity of their native habitat. At the heart of the world-class research center is the state-of-the-art communications sys-tem developed and installed by a team of IBEW and Local 347members who helped translate the aspirations of the scientistsinto technological reality.

IBEW Members Design, Build Groundbreaking

Research Center

Wiring fordoors in the bonobohouse.

Fiber distributionfor the bonobobuilding.

IBEW Local 347member JerryKurimski roughsin the bonoboclimbing towerat Iowa aperesearch center.

Local 347 member read-ies the wiring for ape-controlled doors andcommunication devices.

ers, designed a series of sliding doors andtransfer tunnels for the bonobos thatallow them to roam throughout the30,000 square foot building, whichincludes sleeping quarters, greenhouse,kitchen, music room and a Jacuzzi with awaterfall. They communicate withresearchers via a “lexigram” touchscreen—a symbolized keyboard—inwhich the buttons represent a word orconcept. The keyboards are equippedwith hardware that archives and time-stamps every keystroke, recording forresearch the primates’ every communica-tion. All the rooms are equipped withcameras and microphones. A dedicatedfiber-optic line will enable students andscientists across the world to participatein the research.

“There was no engineering for thetechnology; we just developed it our-selves,” Boers said. “We went to vendorsand put the package together and made ithappen.

Before the apes arrived in Iowa, Boersvisited their last home, at Georgia StateUniversity in Atlanta, where all their com-ings and goings required a human escortthrough mechanical doors—unlike theautomation in place now. At the new DesMoines campus, the primates are alertedto their ability to enter and exit throughdoors enabled by scientists via a key

switch, which in turn illuminates a greenpush button that the apes use to opendoors. Most of the work on the doors,computers, security, fire alarms, cellphone boosters and voice-data-video wasdone by T3 workers before the apesmoved in last spring. But they are calledback occasionally, to fix glitches, makeupgrades and, soon, to continue the sev-eral-phase project that is expected to last10 years and include buildings for moreorangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees,plus a visitor’s center with a pedestrianskywalk.

“We’re not your typical plugs-and-switches contractor,” Boers said. “It’s notyour regular electrician job.”

The work of the T3 electricians at theGreat Ape Trust was featured by voiceand data supplier Leviton Voice and Data,whose Web site shows a photo of anequipment room with copper and fibersystems expertly punched out on datapanels. Approximately 10 T3 electriciansinstalled the technology systems over twoyears, Boers said. Signatory contractorWolin Electric, Des Moines, performedthe electrical installation.

Resident bonobo Kanzi, 25, is already acelebrity for his word comprehension andmusical ability. Known as the bonobo withthe most advanced language skills in theworld, he has performed music with Eng-


lish rockers Peter Gabriel and Paul McCart-ney. With a vocabulary of more than 500words, Kanzi is regarded as the first ape todemonstrate real comprehension of spo-ken language. His sister, Panbanisha, isalso considered advanced in language.Only 70 bonobos are left in the UnitedStates; they are important because theycontain 99 percent of the human genepool.

On this job, safety takes on a wholedifferent dimension. When the electriciansare called back to work on the bonobohouse, they sometimes come uncomfort-ably close to the primates, who are territo-rial by nature. Local 347 member KevinClark has been told by researchers thatKanzi is threatened by Clark’s 6-foot, 200-pound frame, which is topped by darkhair and a partial beard. “He thought I wasa gorilla, and that I was going to bite him,”Clark said.

When working on doors, the electri-cians try to keep at least two doorsbetween the apes and themselves, incase of a programming error. Once theygot a scare when the two-door rule failedand the apes ran in and appeared rightnext to Local 347 member Terry Pohlmanwhile has was trying to re-program thedoor. “The only thing between us andthe apes was some wire mesh,” he said.“They were screaming and pounding,trying to scare us more than anythingelse. Other than that hair-raisingmoment, it’s fine.”

The Local 347 members get a frontseat on a fascinating educational experi-ment, learning for instance that the scien-tists had to take away the bonobos’ copyof the movie “Karate Kid” because theywere too enthusiastic about mimickingthe karate moves. Pohlman, who said hespent a year and half on the project, saidhe often sat watching the apes while onbreak. “You could bang on the glass andthey’ll bang back,” he said. “Especiallythe younger ones, you’d swear they’d behuman if they didn’t have fur.”

Local 347 Business Manager GeraldGranberg said the initial IBEW work onthe preserve has only begun. “This is justthe beginning of the partnership. I thinkthe fact that we’re learning to communi-cate with primates here in Des Moines isawesome.” 1

Local 347member TerryPohlmanworks on thebuilding’sexterior.

The networkallows scien-tists to talk tothe animals.

An intricatenetwork ofwires allowsthe bonobosto controldoors.


The health care crisis is widely acknowledged asone of the largest problems facing the UnitedStates. On January 1, the IBEW became part ofthe solution.

Based on the idea that in health care, as in unions, there is strength—andsavings—in numbers, the NECA/IBEW Family Medical Care Plan launched onthe first of the year with approximately 5000 covered participants, most of theconstruction members in the 10th Vice Presidential District. The plan is self-insured and uses the largest PPO (preferred provider organization) in theUnited States, Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

“The bottom line is we are trying to do something so that we can get a bet-ter grasp on escalating health costs,” said IBEW l0th District Vice PresidentBobby Klein.“The more IBEW members we can get into this plan, the betterthe benefits.”

Because IBEW leaders were already deeply involved in the administration ofmulti-employer plans, the construction industry was the natural place to startsuch a health plan. But it is a beginning, and IBEW leaders plan to expand theprogram soon to include the utility, telecommunications, broadcasting, manu-facturing and railroad branches.

For members, it comes down to this: health care under the national planwill be cheaper, offer more benefits and be more widely available.The only dif-ference will be a change in the administration of the plan. In this case, the PPOprovider and claims payor will be Georgia Blue Cross Blue Shield using thenational Blue Card program throughout the United States. It is believed thatthese are the lowest discounts available on a national basis. Sav-Rx is the phar-macy benefit manager. Many members, retirees and family members alreadyhave mail-in drug coverage through Sav-Rx.

International Secretary-Treasurer Jon Walters, who is a trustee in the newplan, has responsibility for the plan on the IBEW side.The other IBEW trusteesare two business managers, Dan McAlister from Little Rock,Ark., Local 295, andDonald co*ckcroft from Charleston, S.C., Local 776. NECA Vice President Geary

(Continued on next page)


Higgins is a management trustee, alongwith NECA District 5 Vice PresidentHoward Hughes and NECA District 3Governor Jerry Sims. Thetrust agreement providesfor 22 trustees. As moreplans join the nationalplan, seats will be added(and one seat from the10th District will beremoved, so every districtwill have one IBEW andone NECA representative).

Any jointly adminis-tered fund can explorewhether it can savemoney (or offer morebenefits at the same cost)through the nationalhealth plan by asking theplan’s consultants to ana-lyze costs and benefits ofboth. Such an evaluationof the health and welfarefunds in another Vice Pres-idential District determinedplans there could save $23million annually by joiningthe national plan, saidconsultant Jack Diem ofBlomquist and Company.

“Each existing healthand welfare fund will haveto make its own decisionabout whether to join,”said Jim Combs, ExecutiveAssistant to the Interna-tional Secretary-Treasurer.‘We are making this avail-able because our membersasked us for an alternative.If this plan offers coveragefor less than they paynow, join us. If not, you’rebetter off where you are now.”

Once the decision is made to join, theprocess for moving into the nationalhealth plan is not complicated. The col-lective bargaining agreement between

the union and employer must beamended to direct contributions into thenew plan. If a fund has reserves, all ofits assets and obligations will be trans-ferred into the new national plan withthe signing of a few documents bytrustees. If a fund is having financial dif-ficulties, participants can be transferredto the national plan, but not its outstand-ing financial obligations. The national

plan also provides fiduciary insurancecoverage for local hind trustees to pro-tect them from liability.

“It is a very smooth transition,” saidplan lawyer Hugh Arnold.

Upon merging with the national plan,each former fund’s contribution ratemust support its level of coverage basedon the pool of money it produces. Thisprevents any region or group of localsfrom subsidizing another. The nationalplan offers flexibility in design and bene-fits tailored to regional conditions. Bene-fits include major medical, dental,prescription drug, disability, vision cov-

erage, retiree benefits andlife insurance.

For those in rural areaswhere health care is hardto come by, health insur-ance can further limitaccessihility if certain hos-pitals and doctors are notin the plan’s network. Butthe B lue Cross /B lueShield “Blue Card” isaccepted by and providesdiscounts at most hospi-tals, clinics and doctors.

“They’re the big dog inthe health care industry,”McAlister said of BlueCross. As the biggest, BlueCross already commandssignificant discounts frommedical providers. As par-ticipation in the nationalplan grows, it will be ableto take fuller advantage of those discounts. BlueCross of Georgia wasselected because it has thelowest administrat ioncosts in the Blue Crossnetwork, and it haspromised not to increaseadministrative fees thisyear, and limit futureincreases to 2 percent and2.5 percent in the secondand third years, respec-tively. In the event thatBlue Cross coverage is notavailable in certain areas,the plan is free to seekdiscounts with other

providers.McAlister said he has long been an

advocate of starting an IBEW nationalhealth care plan. “I have been a real

(Continued from page 15)

To some degree, the national plan offers

flexibility in design and benefits tailored to

regional conditions. Benefits include major

medical, dental, disability, vision coverage,

retiree benefits and life insurance.

(Continued on page 28)



This is a summary of the annualreport for the INTERNATIONAL BROTH-ERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS’PENSION BENEFIT FUND, (EmployerIdentification No. 52-0951104, Plan No.001) for the period July 1, 2004, to June30, 2005. The annual report has beenfiled with the Employee Benefits SecurityAdministration, as required under theEmployee Retirement Income SecurityAct of 1974 (ERISA).

Basic Financial Statement

Benefits under the plan are providedby a trust (benefits are provided inwhole from trust funds). Plan expenseswere $104,199,035. These expensesincluded $8,406,794 in administrativeexpenses and $95,792,241 in benefitspaid to participants and beneficiaries. Atotal of 428,724 persons were partici-pants in or beneficiaries of the plan atthe end of the plan year, although not allof these persons had yet earned the rightto receive benefits.

The value of plan assets, after sub-tracting liabilities of the plan, was$1,654,823,337 as of June 30, 2005, com-pared to $1,535,343,546 as of July 1, 2004.During the plan year the plan experi-enced an increase in its net assets of$119,479,791. This increase includes unre-alized appreciation or depreciation in thevalue of plan assets; that is, the differencebetween the value of the plan’s assets atthe end of the year and the value of theassets at the beginning of the year, or thecost of assets acquired during the year.

The plan had total income of$223,678,826, including employee contri-butions of $43,756,801, gains of$85,511,923 from the sale of assets andearnings from investments of $80,624,741.

The plan has contracts with CIGNA -AMERICA FUND, and ULLICO SEPARATEACCOUNT P which allocate fundstoward individual policies.

Minimum Funding Standards

An actuary’s statement shows thatenough money was contributed to theplan to keep it funded in accordancewith the minimum funding standards ofERISA.

Your Rights to Additional Information

You have the right to receive a copyof the full annual report, or any partthereof, on request. The items listedbelow are included in that report:1. An accountant’s report;2. Assets held for investment;3. Insurance information including sales

commissions paid by insurance carri-ers; and

4. Information regarding any commonor collective trust, pooled separateaccounts, master trusts or 103-12investment entities in which the planparticipates.To obtain a copy of the full annual

report, or any part thereof, write or callthe office of the Plan Administrator

Jon F. WaltersInternational Secretary-Treasurer900 7th Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 2000120-2187508 (Employer IdentificationNumber)(202) 728-6200The charge to cover copying costs

will be $0.25 per page.You also have the right to receive

from the plan administrator, on requestand at no charge, a statement of theassets and liabilities of the plan andaccompanying notes, or a statement ofincome and expenses of the plan andaccompanying notes, or both. If yourequest a copy of the full annual reportfrom the plan administrator, these twostatements and accompanying notes willbe included as part of that report. Thecharge to cover copying costs givenabove does not include a charge for thecopying of these portions of the reportbecause these portions are furnishedwithout charge.

You also have the legally protectedright to examine the annual report at themain office of the plan:

I.B.E.W.—PENSION BENEFIT FUND900 7th Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20001and at the U.S. Department of Labor

in Washington, D.C., or to obtain a copyfrom the U.S. Department of Labor uponpayment of copying costs. Requests tothe Department should be addressed to:U.S. Department of Labor, EmployeeBenefits Security Administration, PublicDisclosure Room, 200 ConstitutionAvenue, N.W., Suite N-1513, Washington,D.C. 20210. 1

Summary Annual Report for International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers’ Pension Benefit Fund

money for him to take time with his familybefore he was deployed. Local 340’s JATC raisedfunds for his family during his time in Iraq.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Local 405 reports thatJeremy Sroka and Jon Formanek, journeymenwiremen, will be leaving for Iraq in March. Theywill join apprentices Jessie Ries, Tim Jenkinsand Brad Dolley and journeyman wiremanMike Poggenpohl, who are already serving. 1

Daniel A. Poczynek(left), Portland,Oregon, IBEW Local48, stands besideelectrician’s helperKamron, a Pakistaninational. Poczynekspent 15 months inIraq building andmaintaining electri-cal systems on U.S.military camps. 1

(Continued from page 11)

In TributeL.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,

rts,s,se,spa,st&ws), ST. LOUIS,MO—In November, Local 1 wassaddened to announce the passingof retired former business managerEdward Hoock Jr. Initiated in 1947,Bro. Hoock proudly served theLocal 1 membership in many capac-ities during his career as a journey-man wireman. Elected businessmanager in 1975, he held this officethrough 1978, and served as a busi-ness agent from 1978 until heretired in 1992.

Bro. Hoock held many labor-related posts and was a member ofthe National Electric Code Panel, theSt. Louis Building Trades executiveboard, and the PRIDE board ofdirectors. He was an apprenticetrustee and coordinator for the IBEW100th anniversary parade in St.Louis. Bro. Hoock’s countless contri-butions, dedication and pride ofmembership will be remembered.

Please be advised of the followingdeaths: Marlin Jepsen, William Siems,Moffit Wyatt, Vernis Stout, CharlesHamilton, Jack Lewis, James Noyes,Richard Miller, Michael Smith, RoyNiehaus, Douglas Moonier, GeorgeSouris, Bernard McAnnar and SeldenJordan.


Super Bowl SuccessL.U. 17 (catv,em,lct t ,o&u),

DETROIT, MI—Although the SuperBowl has come and gone, Detroitcontinues to bask in its afterglow.We thank all Local 17 members whocontributed the hard work and tire-less effort required to make the biggame a success. Thank-you for mak-ing organized labor, as well as ourproud city and the National Football

League, shine this past January. We are working on revamping

Local 17’s Web site. When renova-tions are complete, you will be ableto assess the work picture in ourjurisdiction, check potential jobavailability on various workingagreements, and review other avail-able information. Check us out atwww.ibewlocal17.com.

As the weather breaks and con-struction season ramps up, we wishall members a safe and prosperousyear.

With sorrow we report the loss ofRichard Walker, Kelly C. Dryer, JoseLlano and Donald L. Marlow. Oursincere condolences to their families.


Proud To Be UnionL.U. 21 (catv,govt&t), DOWNERS

GROVE, IL—As anticipated, lastyear’s agreement between our localand SBC saved hundreds of jobs thathad been slated for layoffs, and hasalready provided new job opportuni-

ties for just over 400 current mem-bers. In addition, at press time,approximately 250 formerly laid offmembers were preparing to return tofull-time employment, making ourlocal’s largest bargaining unit evenstronger. Refreshingly, this providesfor a very good start in 2006.

Hats off to all members who vol-unteered for a three-month workdetail to the hurricane ravaged GolfCoast region. Currently deployed toSlidell, LA, an area hit by a towering26-foot storm surge and 190 mphwind gusts, are 33 techniciansworking 10-plus hours per day, insubstandard working conditionswith minimal amenities available,and with only one day off everytwo weeks. These members, work-ing hard and doing everything they

can to help the people of the regionbring their lives back to normal, arerecognized and thanked for makingall of us proud to be union.


2005 Election VolunteersL.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE,

NY—On Election Day 2005 Local 43members took to the streets toshow support for Syracuse MayorMatt Driscoll’s re-election to office.With our support Matt was electedto another term as mayor. Our sup-port did not go unnoticed andMayor Driscoll pledged to workwith us to create jobs for our mem-bership.

In other races throughout ourjurisdiction we helped elect worker-friendly candidates. Thanks to allour brothers and sisters whoactively campaigned for our friends.Our efforts will be rewarded withwork opportunities.

Work in our area is still slow. Wethank those locals that are employ-

ing our traveling brothers and sis-ters. We hope work planned in ourarea will start soon and that we willhave more work opportunities formembers in 2006.


Contract Agreements L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIA-

MOND BAR, CA—Our members atSouthern California Edison ratified anew three-year agreement on Wageand Non-Wage Economics. Thecontract calls for 3.75 percent, 3.5percent and 4 percent general wageincreases in January 2006, 2007 and2008, respectively. Improvementswere made to shift-pay, mealallowance and board and lodging.The contract was approved by a 93percent margin.


(as) Alarm and Signal(ars) Atomic Research

Service(bo) Bridge Operators(cs) Cable Splicers(catv) Cable Television(c) Communications(cr) Cranemen(ees) Electrical Equipment

Service(ei) Electrical Inspection(em) Electrical

Manufacturing(es) Electric Signs(et) Electronic Technicians(fm) Fixture Manufacturing(govt) Government(i) Inside(it) Instrument

Technicians(lctt) Line Clearance Tree

Trimming(mt) Maintenance(mo) Maintenance and

Operation(mow) Manufacturing Office

Workers(mar) Marine(mps) Motion Picture Studios(nst) Nuclear Service

Technician(o) Outside(p) Powerhouse(pet) Professional,

Engineers and Technicians

(ptc) Professional, Techni-cal and Clerical

(rr) Railroad(rtb) Radio-Television

Broadcasting(rtm) Radio-Television

Manufacturing(rts) Radio-Television

Service(so) Service Occupations(s) Shopmen(se) Sign Erector(spa) Sound and Public

Address(st) Sound Technicians(t) Telephone(u) Utility(uow) Utility Office Workers(ws) Warehouse and




The Journal has an e-mailaddress dedicated exclusively toreceiving “Local Lines” articlesfrom press secretaries. If you wishto submit your articles via e-mail,please forward them directly [emailprotected]. This willhelp expedite the productionprocess. As always, inquiries of a general nature or letters to the editor should still be sentto [emailprotected].

IBEW Local 43 members rallied to support Syracuse Mayor Matt Discoll’sre-election campaign. From left: Frank Amie, Chuck Palmisano, KevinMcInerney, Jeff Ortlieb, Joe Woods, Tom Kurak, Dave Nichols, John Carter,Jim Carr, Ryan Costello and Nick Senn.

A successor agreement wasreached with the City of ColtonElectric Utility. The three-year“memorandum of understanding”calls for a general wage increase of5 percent retroactive to July 2005; a4 percent increase in July 2006; andin 2007 an increase based on awage survey plus 0.5 percent. The“meter reader” position will be elim-inated and all incumbents promotedto “customer service field represen-tatives.”

Negotiations are underway atBear Valley Electric, Anaheim Sta-dium (home of Angel’s Baseball)and also with our newest unit, therecently organized Davey TreeSurgery.

Our annual Stewards Conferencewill be Feb. 25 in San Diego.

The Retiree Medical Trust for ourpublic sector employees is fullyoperational and paying benefits.

We are saddened to report thepassing of Bernard “Barney” Allenand Billy Lewis. Our condolences totheir families.


Regain Market ShareL.U. 143 (em,i&spa), HARRIS-

BURG, PA—Work remains slow inour district, with several projects inlimbo. Our local recently held ourfamily picnic, members only picnic,and our annual golf outing. Ournewly elected officers are doing agreat job in their respective posts.Local 143 has worked diligently toestablish a plan to regain marketshare of residential and small con-struction projects. We are optimisticthat we can slowly make progressin regaining this work. More tocome


Kudos to GraduatesL.U. 159 (i), MADISON, WI—

Congratulations to our 2005 appren-tice graduates! VDV Graduates:Patrick Healy, Josh Sheaffer andAndrew Yahn. Inside Graduates:William Allbaugh, Ryan Ballweg,Steve Barganz, Colin Berge, KevinBracken, John Brandenstein, JohnnyBuckbee, Keiwon Caldwell, StevenCollyard, James Dalsoren, ShaunDaniels, Debora Dombrowski,Brenda Egli, Christoper Foskett, LeeGibbs, Eric Haugen, Todd Herrick,Jeffrey Hughey, Ronald Keller, LeeJonathan, Travis Lomas, Matt Mat-ney, Brandon McGaw, MichaelMueller, Jason Nelson, Jeff Niesen,Ethan Nolden, Christopher Owens,Aaron Pratt, Daniel Rettkowski,Nathan Retzlaff, Brian Riddle, Man-assehs Rivera, Matthew Saunders,Paul Schulte, Peter Severson, JoelShoemaker, Joseph Shropshire,Bradley Straw, Kyle Sutter, DimitrisTourtouropoulos, Eric VanVeghel,

Bryan Vind, Brian Virnig, JosephVosen, Charles Walker, AndrewWellnitz and Randall Zanoya. Resi-dential Graduates: Jeffery Beean,Nathan Coleman, Douglas Eckert,Steven Horn, David Hyatt, MatthewNoll, Bryan Schulz, Richard Show-ers, Charles Straka and JeremyWaugh. Reclassification Graduates:Asan Asani, Mark Blankenship,Bradley Cirves, David Cummings,Lonnie Fauser, Casey Freeman, PatJones, Charles Kurth, Dustin Main-waring, Igor Milovets, Nick Ring,

Outstanding Apprenticeshipaward recipients were: Ron Kellerand Steve Barganz (inside), JefferyBeean (residential), Patrick Healy(VDV), and Igor Milovets (reclassifi-cation).

A special remembrance fordeceased apprentices John Ries IVand Matt Kading.


Apprentice GraduatesL.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT,

WA—Local 191 congratulates theentire JATC graduating class of2005. We are proud of all ourapprentices.

We also are pleased to recognizethe award recipients. Deborah Cas-tle won the award for Sound &Communication Technician Appren-tice of the Year. The ResidentialApprentice of the Year award wentto Isaac Hanks. And John Kowalskiwon the Inside Wireman Apprentice

of the Year award. These awardsrepresent very high achievementover the entire course of theapprenticeship.

On behalf of our apprentices, wethank the many journeymen whoprovide the years of hands-on train-ing that make our apprentices quali-fied to carry the IBEW banner.


Spirit of BrotherhoodL.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOOMING-

TON, IL—Our local’s 2005 Christmasparty for members and the children’sChristmas party were filled withgood cheer and brotherhood. Manymembers attended the Christmasparty. The hall provided refresh-ments and a DJ entertained. Areabusinesses donated door prizes. Ser-vice pins were presented to awardrecipients in attendance, including:Bernie Uszcienski, a 10-year mem-

ber; Beth Sylvester-15 years; GaryEichelberger-20 years; Cliff Birky,Kevin Lecouris, Jerry Melton andGreg Potter-25 years; James Maginel-30 years; and retirees NormanPhillips, Jay Tyler and Ken Tynan.

Santa visited the children’s party.The kids made holiday decorationsand cupcakes and watched Christ-mas movies. The kids and their par-ents had a blast. Thanks to Derekand Valerie Bauer for organizing theevent.

We are saddened to report thedeath of retired Bro. Heinz Doer-ring. Let’s keep his family in ourprayers.

Work is still slow in our area. Wehope for lots of employment oppor-tunities in 2006. Take pride in yourlocal union.


Dedicated Storm CrewsL.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u),

TOLEDO, OH—We are proud of allthe Outside and Edison linemanwho have been working hard atrebuilding hurricane devastatedregions of the Gulf Coast. Theaccompanying photo shows someof our hard-working members tak-ing a break from storm duty for aphoto shoot with celebrity BillyLane from the “Bike Builder Show”on the Discovery Channel.

Outside work is still good in ourjurisdiction. At Edison, work forcereplenishment is finally starting,with hiring both at the EnergyDelivery and Generation sides ofthe company.

Davis Besse is preparing for theplant’s 14th refueling outage to startMarch 6. This is the first refuelingsince the head replacement. Wehope there will be no surprises thistime.

On the TV side, Local 245 contin-ues to monitor the takeover of Lib-erty Corporation, parent companyof our CBS affiliate station Channel11, by Raycom—while at the sametime negotiating a contract withRaycom for our NBC affiliate stationChannel 24. Negotiations at ABCaffiliate Channel 13 also start soon.

Officer training was held Jan. 7 at


Local 159class of2005apprenticegraduates.

Local 191 apprentice graduate award recipients, from left: Deborah Castle,Isaac Hanks and John Kowalski.

Local 245 stormduty crew memberswith “Bike Builder”Billy Lane (center).From left, front row,Jeremy Acosta andMike Tackett; cen-ter row, JohnBernal, Lane andAllen Wright; backrow, James Goings,Brian Dauer, SteveHerman and MattHaney.

the union hall. Presented by Int.Reps. Thomas M. Curley and GaryKlinglesmith, it was a great courseand will be helpful to our new offi-cers.


Holiday PartyL.U. 265 (i,mt,rts&spa), LINCOLN,

NE—’Twas a few weeks beforeChristmas, according to lore—Thedate was precisely December 4—When good old St. Nick, so jollyand hearty—Found his way to ourlocal’s holiday party.

Santa once again found Local 265!Kids, refreshments and entertainmentby magician “Peter, The Near Great”were the order of the day, as about120 members and family membersenjoyed the local’s annual Christmasparty. Thanks to all the “elves” whoassisted Santa. Gifts were presentedto all children in attendance.

Congratulations to James Haakeand Jasin Ptacnik, who were recog-nized as Outstanding Apprenticesby the Nebraska/Southwest IowaApprenticeship Advisory Council.The awards were presented at abanquet held Oct. 14, 2005, atAmeristar Casino and Hotel inCouncil Bluffs, IA.


2005 Election ResultsL.U. 313 (i&spa), WILMINGTON,

DE—On July 6, 2005, former presi-dent Ricky Crawford swore in ournewly elected officers. Congratula-tions to: Bus. Mgr. Douglas K.Drummond, Pres. Donald M. King,Vice Pres. Thomas P. Shields, Rec.Sec. George F. Matarese, Fin. Sec.James R. Murrian and Treas. John D.King. Executive Board members:Eric E. Lewis, Andrew J. McNally,Ozzie R. May Jr., Daniel Merrill,Paul F. Campbell and Craig I. Fisher.Examining Board members: StephenM. Webb, Matthew M. McCloskeyand Eric J. Schneider.

The local’s annual Christmasparty was great. Approximately 200members’ children were treated tolunch and received a gift that was

“Made in America.” All the childrenwere photographed with Santa andwere entertained by special guestscostumed as cartoon characters.Entertainment Committee Chmn.Eric Lewis extends thanks to broth-ers who volunteered their assis-tance: Joe Steele, Paul Campbell,Tom Shields, Paul Brainard, KevinBryant; and retired Bros. Earl Hud-son, Scottie Hudghton, RockyCutone and Dave McGinness. Spe-cial thanks go to Frank Clymer as“Santa.” One helper said that seeingthe children’s smiling faces makesall the work worthwhile.


Friends of Labor L.U. 349 (em,i,mps,rtb,spa&u),

MIAMI, FL—We thank the Entertain-ment Committee for a great 2005Christmas party. Special thanks toKevin Tamargo and all the “clowns”and helpers.

At our Friends of Labor luncheon,about 450 friends showed up for agreat meal and good friendship. FifthDistrict Int. Vice Pres. John F.Schantzen was in attendance.

In March 2005, Floyd Scottreceived his 55-year member citationand pin. This citation was signed byInt. Pres. Edwin D. Hill and Int. Sec.-Treas. Jon F. Walters.

The sign on the marquee says:“He knows if you’re bad or good;He knows if you cuss; Not Santa—but George W. spying on us.”

In 2006, let’s try to attend moreunion meetings and help make ourlocal union stronger.


Class of 2005L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa

&t), FOLSOM, NJ—The class of2005 graduation dinner was Oct. 22,2005, at the Tropicana Hotel andCasino. Graduates for the Inside pro-gram were: Ryan Allison, ChristianBarsky, Dominic Calabrese, JoshuaCooper, Robert Cooper, Davis Cox,David Coyle, Robert Desiderio,Stephen Domonoski, Michael Drag-goo, Michael Farside, Jason Hentz,Gary Lillie, Guthrie Maier, ThomasMartin, Paul Mattie, AndrewMcGowan, Christopher Miele-chowsky, John Mitchell Jr., Michael

Moore, Ryan Myers, Leroy Pierce,Edward Rada, James Rowland,Andrew Ruggeri, Peter Sankowski,Guillermo Saravia Orsorto, MatthewSeddon, Rodney Sistrunk, JaredSmith, Shawn Somerville, JuanVazquez, Aaron Winarski and BrianZattoni. Graduates for the Telecom-munication program were LaurenceBerman, Thomas Coleman, BrianDawson, Ann Gregory, GiuseppiPollino Jr., Michael Schaffer, VickiSmith and Melissa Stowers.

Congratulations to all our gradu-ates. We wish them the best in theirfuture as IBEW journeymen. Weencourage them to continue theireducation with the journeymanclasses our local offers and to stayinvolved by attending our unionmeetings and other functions duringthe year.


Former Officer MournedL.U. 359 (u), MIAMI, FL—The

terribly catastrophic 2005 hurricanescreated much work for the crewsboth in the field and in the powerplants, also affecting the membersat the City of Homestead and theCity of Lake Worth. The crewsrebuilt the devastated grid in thearea. Then they traveled to variousstates to assist with repairs, workingmany long hours. All the crews arecommended for their safe workethic and professionalism.

Our local mourned the death inMay 2005 of Pres. Emeritus LeonardJ. Spring at age 86. Bro. Spring wasan icon in the community and wellrespected labor-wide throughoutFlorida and beyond. A man of dig-nity, referred to as “the Senator,”Bro. Spring was president of Local359 for over 20 years. He was anofficer of IBEW System Council-U4and attended many IBEW Interna-tional conventions serving on vari-ous committees. An IBEW memberfor over 50 years, he formerly wasemployed by Florida Power andLight Company. He was a WorldWar II veteran and served on manycommunity service committees.

There will never be another likeBro. Leonard J. Spring. He is greatlymissed.


Work Picture ImprovesL.U. 405 (em,i,rtb&spa), CEDAR

RAPIDS, IA—As the New Yearstarted, we had a little improvementin our work picture. We hope thistrend will get us back on track forgood.

In 2005 we gained 28 new mem-bers, eight members took with-drawals and 18 members droppedtheir membership. Five memberstransferred to different locals. Sevenmembers retired and six memberspassed away. We gained three newcontractors in 2005. We proudly hadfour members serving in the militaryin 2005: Jon Formanek, MikePoggenpohl, Jessie Ries and JeremySroka.

One of the things that bothersthis scribe is the number of mem-bers who let their tickets drop, orare always late with their dues. Weall know the IBEW isn’t perfect andnot everyone gets what they want;however, after being a member ofthe IBEW for 45 years, there aretwo things I know. Working openshop won’t get you the standard ofliving you want and just maybe ifwe all put back a little more thanwe take, it would be a better orga-nization.

We didn’t get where we are byourselves.


Idaho Wind TowersL.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa

&u), POCATELLO, ID—It startedwith limited sunshine, and thencame the fog, rain and horizontalsnow. The mud made it difficult forthe trucks to maneuver up thewinding, rough cut mountain roads.It would take 45 minutes to travelfrom one end of the job to theother. And yes, you can see it frommy house and I live 22 miles away.What is it? It is the 43 giant windtowers just assembled on thefoothills east of Idaho Falls. Eachtower is 250 feet tall with three 125feet long blades. With minimal


At Local 265’s December 2005Christmas party for members andtheir families.

Local 351 class of 2005 graduates.

IBEW Local 449 members workedon the wind tower project nearIdaho Falls.

winds every tower can generate 1.5megawatts of power, which is thenconnected into the power grid.Wind has never been in short sup-ply in Idaho and it is said moretowers will be erected in the future.When? Who knows? IBEW crewswho worked on this project are tobe commended. Even with adverseweather conditions, the job wascompleted on time.

Presently work is slow. We hopeto welcome home members work-ing in neighboring locals soon.

With heavy heart we report thepassing of retired brothers RobertBrown and William Phippen.


Holiday DrivesL.U. 503 (t&u), MONROE, NY—

The Toys-For-Tots, Holiday FoodBasket Drive and Adopt-A-Familycampaign were again successful.Special mention goes out to theLovett plant. This year, the gangraised $2,500 and purchased sixbeds, a couch, and a variety of holi-day gifts for a family with five chil-dren in Spring Valley, NY. Santa andhis elves delivered the gifts from thetruckload of goods, while the teamassembled the furniture for the chil-dren’s mom, who was thrilled withthe delivery! Eddie Sengstackenextends special thanks to PatGreaven, who played Santa andwas a good sport about receivingthe ‘traditional Santa beating’ in theparking lot from the team!

It was also great to see such alarge gathering of brothers and sis-ters at the Keane’s annual holidayparty. The limo full of membersfrom Middletown added a nicetouch to the gathering!

A reminder: Pres./Bus. Mgr. BobCitrolo’s retirement party will be Fri-day, April 21. Watch the bulletinboards for details to be posted soon.


Workers’ StruggleL.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW,

MI—Gas prices zing our wallets,then CEO’s get called to Congressand prices drop; they leave andprices rise at twice the rate they fell.Health care is pinching us also.Nothing is being done in Lansing orWashington. If you check into thelives of the journeymen in theaccompanying photo, some haveexhausted their unemployment ben-efits and have no health insurance.One is off work with non-job relatedhealth problems, and no healthinsurance. This country has moneyto explode targets worldwide basedon information that our presidentadmitted, on Dec. 14, 2005, wasflawed intelligence. However, taxpaying citizens are not being caredfor and need help. Tax cuts for the

wealthy, who have health care orcan afford out-of-pocket majorsurgery, are being supported by theTom Delays of this country.

Many thanks to the locals aroundthe country that have made workavailable for IBEW 557 hands. With-out your help there would be moredesperate situations.


Family CelebrationL.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,o,rts&spa),

SAN DIEGO, CA—At our Decembergeneral membership meeting, Santapaid a visit to our members’ chil-dren in attendance. All the young-sters received a gift from Santa andwalked away with a big smile. Thebeautifully decorated hall was at itsfull capacity with members andtheir families celebrating the holidayseason with good food and greatbrotherhood. The local wishes allmembers and their families a pros-perous 2006. Special thanks to thestaff for a successful party.

The local pays tribute to the mem-ory of all members who passed awaylast year. Two very active retired offi-cers, Frank Underhill (who served aspresident, assistant business managerand business manager) and TerryGodshalk (who served as presidentand assistant business manager)passed on in 2005. They were dedi-cated leaders of both the union andthe community.


Excellence in TrainingL.U. 577 (em&i), APPLETON,

WI—Work has been slow as 2006unfolds. The number of projectsavailable to bid tapered off late in2005, which has left few opportuni-ties for our members to worklocally.

Many members attended continu-ing education courses in 2005. Theannual NJATC survey showed that790 members took additional train-ing. The local will again be recog-nized with an “Excellence inTraining Award” at the Districtprogress meeting in May. Thanks toall of you who help maintain thetruism that the IBEW has the besttrained electrical workers in ourindustry.

The safety subcommittee recom-mended the topics of high voltagetesting equipment and confinedspaces to be offered for safetytraining this year. Commit to mak-ing this another safe year byattending these or other safetyrelated classes offered by our edu-cation committee.

The Wisconsin primaries areupon us and we have the ability toelect a new representative for the8th congressional district. Theincumbent is not seeking re-electionas he has his eye focused on thegovernor’s mansion. Support candi-dates who will keep working familyissues a priority.


Local Wins Back PayL.U. 611 (catv,es,i,lctt,o,spa&u),

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Our organiz-ing department and other membersof Local 611 did an outstanding jobin Farmington in 2005 on the SanJuan Regional Medical Center addi-tion. It was a $66 million project ofwhich $22 million was public worksmoney. Benson Bitsui and AdophChavez played a big part in gettingworkers on the SJRMC project morethan $550,000 in back pay fromamong six different contractors;$400,000 of that money was paidout to electricians alone.

The main electrical contractor onthe job, Mills Electric, is a bignonunion outfit out of Dallas TX.This contractor is so big most orga-nizing departments would rathernot go after a company of suchsize. Our local wasted no time orenergy making sure Mills Electricwas brought into compliance underour state and federal guidelines.

In the last three years, thanks tothe diligence of Local 611’s organiz-ing team, eight nonunion contrac-tors filed for bankruptcy. In thosesame three years the organizershelped union and nonunion electri-cians receive over $1 million inback pay from unfair contractors onpublic works and federal prevailingwage projects. Great job, guys.

Local 611 extends condolencesto the friends and family of AlbertPompeo.


Graduates HonoredL.U. 617 (c,i,mo,o&st), SAN

MATEO, CA—Our 2005 graduatingclass included 25 inside wiremangraduates and six Sound and Com-munications installer graduates. Agraduation buffet was held at theElks Lodge in San Mateo. Entertain-ment included Las Vegas type gam-ing and prizes were provided bythe JATC, Toolup.com, Royal Elec-tric and Ideal Tools.

The “Outstanding Apprentice”award went to Michael Galea.Awards for highest grade pointaverage went to Rich Ruegg andBrian Newman. Also recognizedwere instructors Dave Huston andSteven Tate, 1st year class; JohnRobins, 2nd year class; John Fitz-patrick, 3rd year; Jim Stewart, 4thyear; and Ron Ricci, 5th year. Thisclass witnessed expansion of ourshop instruction, developed underthe supervision of Long Nguyen, D.J. Siegman and Douglas Goldman.Sister Siegman also provided addi-tional tutoring sessions. And LarryKroeker, Ph.D., worked with manyapprentices juggling pressures ofschool, work and family.

Since 2003 Local 617 has gradu-ated 20 Sound and Communication


Local 557 members on a Nelson Electric job in December 2005. From left,front row, Bill Link, Walt Stroik, Joe Gomez, Rich Urbany, D.J. Link andSteve Burns; 2nd row, Chad Rockafellow, Marc Johnson, Dan Alcook, JeffUnderwood, Russ Combs and Lavall Scott; 3rd row, Maynard Whitman,Todd Cramer and Matt Hill; back row, Terry Washington.

Local 569members’ childrenwith Santaat the holidayparty.

apprentices. This emerging branchrequires the expertise of workinginstallers as instructors to keep pacewith this swiftly evolving industry.Thanks to James Toy, 3rd yearinstructor, and Chuck Vella, 1st yearinstructor. Congratulations to 2005S&C graduates: Michael Barrientos,Patrick Benson, Ryan Chewning,Joseph Graff, Michael Metz and JilesSalmon.


Politically ActiveL.U. 625 (ees,em,i,mar&mt), HAL-

IFAX, NS, CANADA—Congratula-tions to our newest journeymen:Bros. Jason Delorey, Andre Gau-drault, Brent MacPherson, BradMacNeil, Jeff Gallagher, Albert Mac-Donnell and Peter Hoyt. Carry thatRed Seal in your pocket at all timesand be proud of it.

Three members retired fromLocal 625 in January 2006: Bros.Allan Currie, Grant Beaver andDerry Gillis. Congratulations, broth-ers. We all wish you a long andhappy retirement.

Local 625 held a children’sChristmas party Dec. 18, 2005. Amagician entertained over 70 chil-dren until Santa arrived with giftsfor every child. Everyone enjoyedthe party and many thanked Bus.Mgr./Fin. Sec. Cordell Cole for mak-ing all the arrangements.

At this writing the federal elec-

tion was scheduled for January anda provincial election is coming uplater in the year. So 2006 is a goodyear to become politically active.Support those candidates who showsupport for issues important toworking people and their families.

P lease v i s i t our Web s i t ewww.ibewlocal625.ca and seewhat is happening. Bro. Phil Wallaceand Sister Shirley Burris work hardto keep it current and interesting. Weare proud of the job they are doing.Thank you from all of Local 625.


Longtime ServiceL.U. 649 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u),

ALTON, IL—Member Larry Bellovichretired from Olin manufacturing inDecember. His parting leaves a largevoid to fill. Larry has served anunprecedented 28 years as Commit-tee Chairman for the IBEW. He hasbeen an instrumental figure in ninecontract negotiations as well as han-dling grievances and disputes since1978.

Olin manufacturing will sufferanother loss with the retirement ofCharlie Long after four decades ofservice. Charlie served 12 years as acommitteeman and several years asa steward. He will continue with hisobligations for this hall as recordingsecretary and head of the Commit-tee for Responsible Government.

Our December meeting was fol-lowed by a pin presentation cere-

mony. It is a good thing to see somany people at a meeting, support-ing each other.

Local 649 mourns the recent lossof Bros. Dave McCormick and JohnStrader. May our brothers rest inpeace.


Organizing FocusL.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL—The

year ahead will be a busy one. Weare focusing on organizing like neverbefore. We welcome the Interna-tional Representatives who are work-ing hand-in-hand with ourorganizers. They will continue work-ing hard in this area to help build astronger local for the 21st century.

Congratulations to Bro. ScottEvarts on his IBEW scholarship. Weare all proud of him.

This is an election year and it isso important to pick the candidateswho are labor friendly. We must bediligent in screening and choosingthe candidates who support ourcause. It is also critically importantfor all our members to register andvote. This year, exercise your Ameri-can right and make a difference—Vote!


Inside Wireman ContractL.U. 969 (i,o&u), GRAND JUNC-

TION, CO—A new three-year con-tract for inside wiremen becameeffective Dec. 1, 2005. Severalchanges with this contract affectwages and zone pay. Both sidescame to the table with reasonablerequests and were able to hammerout the new contract. Thanks to thenegotiating team of Larry Beard,Paul Cavanagh, Seth Coyne, JimHarned and Mark Lambert.

The retirees Christmas party anddinner was Sat., Dec. 10. Twelveretired members, joined by theirspouses, attended. Our retired sec-retaries Roseanne and Kay alsojoined the festivities. Twenty mem-bers were awarded service pins for30 to 50 years of service. The 50-year pin recipients: Louie Barslund,Andy Gehrig, Sylvan Gross, RobertRabideau and Jim Ward. Special

thanks to Sharon McCampbell andRuth Wentworth for spearheadingthis event every year. The retireesalways enjoy this annual party andthe local is pleased to host it.

2005 was a reasonably good yearfor our local and the work outlookfor the 2006 appears promising.


Manufacturing InitiativesL.U. 983 (em), HUNTINGTON,

IN—Local 983 member DavidDixon was called to military duty toserve in the Iraq war. Bro. Dixonhas been a member of our localsince 1998. Our thoughts andprayers are with him while heserves our great country.

Our local union continues toengage in conversations with thecompany about ways we can bringwork back to our manufacturingfacility from China. Recent conver-sations with the new plant managerhave been positive regarding thisinitiative. We hope that by the endof 2006, we will be seeing ther-mostats built here in America againinstead of China.

Other initiatives within our local,such as working with the companyin redoing how the plant is laid out,have resulted in the ability to pro-duce more product. As a result, thecompany hired more than 50employees in the last six months.More new hires are coming in 2006!



March 1, 2006,marks the fifthanniversary ofLocal 625’smember-owned officeand trainingcenter.

Local 969’s 2005 Retirees Christmas party.

Local 983 member David Dixon isserving in Iraq.

Local 617 inside wireman graduates of 2005. From left, front row, RafaelCalderon, Victor Rodriguez Jr., Rolando Guevara Jr., Wesley Loustalot,Attilio Brandi, Sergio Dilorenzo, Eric Gollier and Steven Roberts; middlerow, Daniel Navarro, Jose Maldonado, Rich Ruegg and Michael Galea; backrow, Josh Perlow, Eduardo Barba Jr., Joseph Lucus, Rob Gill, Spyros Papas,James Rossi and Troy Brewer. Not pictured: Alberto Arellano, Alberto Dito,Michael Morris, Brian Newman, Michael Phillips and Nick Rossi.

Gas Services RestorationL.U. 1049 (lctt,o&u), LONG

ISLAND, NY—Congratulations for ajob well done to members from theGas Field Operations Department. InNovember, 28 members of Local1049 were dispatched by KeyspanEnergy to Lexington, MA, to assist ina massive restoration effort thataffected over 1,800 residential andcommercial customers. Local 1049members helped rebuild, refurbishand relight approximately 1,500 gasservices and their associated gasmains.

During 2005 local members wereextremely generous. They sup-ported blood drives, the Long IslandUnited Way, Local 1049 Needy Fam-ily Fund and IBEW COPE. TheNeedy Family Fund collected $2,400to assist our members who fell onhard times. Through COPE deduc-tions, raffles and the annual golftournament the membership aver-aged over $23 per member in dona-tions to the COPE Fund. Thanks toall participants for helping to ensureour voices are heard.

2005 concluded with theannouncement of an agreementbetween Keyspan and LIPA on theGeneration Purchase Agreement. Aspart of this agreement is the exten-sion of the Maintenance ServicesAgreement to 2013. Both agree-ments provide protections, stabilityand work opportunities for ourmembers. The work picture looksgood for 2006 and we look forwardto another safe and productive year.


Agreements RatifiedL.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,

t&u), VACAVILLE, CA—Local 1245members ratified new wage-reopener agreements with PacificGas & Electric that raise wages forPhysical and Clerical bargaining unitsby 3.75 percent in 2006 and 2007.Current contracts were extendedthrough 2008, providing a 3.75 per-cent wage increase in 2008 and lock-ing in current health benefits.

Members at Mirant ratified a newagreement with wage equityimprovements. Members at North-ern California Power Agency/Dis-patch ratified a new agreementproviding wage gains of 3.25 per-cent annually for three years. Local1245 Line Clearance Tree Trimmersratified a new agreement with EPAPROVCO that raises wages 3.4 per-cent in 2006 and 2007 for all classi-fications except VC Specialist, whowill receive 4.4 percent each year.Members at the financially-troubledCity of Lodi ratified a new agree-ment that freezes wages in the firstyear and provides a 3 to 5 percentwage increase based on the CPI inthe second year.

Members in the Utilities Servicesand Maintenance bargaining unit atModesto Irrigation District voted foragency shop in a special election.

Bus. Rep. Bob Martin retired inJanuary. Bob orchestrated theunion’s entrance into the computerera by wiring the union hall,installing servers, establishing e-mail,etc. He reestablished the whole she-bang when the local relocated itsheadquarters to Vacaville in 2003.


Local Mourns LossL.U. 1249 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), SYRA-

CUSE, NY—Local 1249 mourns theloss of our “ARC” Chmn. John M.Troyan Jr. John was founder of ourActive Retirees Club.

Bro. Troyan worked diligently tokeep the retirees a major part of thislocal. He planned several activitiesacross the state annually for ourretirees and their families. Activemembers were also encouraged toattend. At these events, the old ‘line’stories and the new ones were adelight. We extend condolences toJohn’s wife, Lynda, and to LittleJohn and Jennifer. Godspeed, John— You did a hell of a job!

The work situation remains goodthroughout the local. This year 78more windmills will go up on TugHill. Con-Ed has more work to be letout. National Grid is still letting outsome work. Our Tree Trimmersrecently ratified a new two-yearagreement with almost 800 peopleworking.

Congratulations to our new jour-neyman linemen: Yancey Bisson-nette, Mark Fairchild, MattLastowski, Chris Lilly, Mike Rumin-ski and John McLaughlin.

With sadness I report the passingof Bros. Spyros Gibson, AndrewKuchta, Joseph Lotterio, Robert Mar-shall, John Peek, Paul Sweeney andPhillip Wilson Jr. Our deepest sym-pathy to their families.


Ready for ChallengesL.U. 1307 (u), SALISBURY, MD—

In 2005 Local 1307 completed twosuccessful negotiations—a five-yearcontract with Delmarva Power and afive-year contract with ChoptankElectrical Co-op.

Also in 2005 we displayed oursolidarity with Locals 1238 and 210during their negotiations with theparent company of both DelmarvaPower and Atlantic City Energy. Theshow of solidarity was a major con-tributing factor in these negotiations.

To meet the challenges of 2006we also need to practice unity closeto home. Attend union meetings.Understand what is going on andshow interest in these meetings.You can be sure the companiesknow what kind of turnout there isfor union meetings. Your union isonly as strong as you make it.

Contribute to COPE and helpelect political candidates who promote the interests of workingpeople. In most cases COPE contri-butions can be made by payrolldeduction. Such contributions helpprotect our benefits and way of life.Major mid-term elections are comingup and it’s never too soon to starthelping the people who will help us.To contribute, contact your steward.


Relay Center AssistanceL.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t),

BALTIMORE, MD—Members of ourlocal employed by AT&T at Mary-land Relay have agreed to offerassistance to individuals with com-munications disabilities in states hitby Hurricane Katrina where RelayCenters were destroyed or renderedinoperable as a result of power out-ages and structural damage. Callsmade to and from Katrina-strickenstates that would normally beprocessed through Relay Centerslocated in Louisiana, Alabama andMississippi will be processed by ourmembers in Maryland by using theirsame telephone numbers; howeverthe calls will be routed through theMaryland Center or those of otherstates helping with their relief effort.

With the handling of hundreds ofadditional calls, our union members

processing this added workloadexpect there may be delays, butview this situation as a temporaryone until the Relay Systems inLouisiana, Alabama and Mississippihave been fully restored. Local 1501Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dian F. Guthriestated that our local is proud tohelp Katrina victims in any way wecan. For more information visitwww.mdrelay.org or call (410)767-6962.


Steady GrowthL.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t&u), ANCHOR-

AGE, AK—The work picture for2005 closed on a strong note. Bothinside and outside work remainedstrong, as jobs were available in allclassifications all across the state.We anticipate continued, steadygrowth for Local 1547 in 2006.

On the legislative side, Alaska’sworking people will face manychallenges this year including moreattacks on our workers’ compensa-tion system, under-funding of thepublic employee and teacher’sretirement systems, and rumors of“right-to-work” legislation.

On the brighter side, two of1547’s best will run for the state Leg-islature. Bill Wielechowski, associategeneral council, is seeking electionto the state Senate in Alaska. ChrisTuck, organizer and journeymanwireman, is running for the stateHouse. Both members have run foroffice before and are consideredstrong and viable contenders.

Finally, Local 1547 extends heart-felt thanks and congratulations tobrave members of Transport Work-ers Union Local 100 of New YorkCity for standing their ground in thefight to protect worker health careand pension benefits. Their success-ful battle proved that the men andwomen of organized labor will notstand by and allow the erosion ofthe rights our predecessors bled for.


Union MeetingsL.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA—

The work situation in Augusta isstill a bit slow. Unfortunately, there


Local 1245 Bus. Rep. and“Technology Guru” Bob Martinretired in January.

Local 1579 members in 1985.

is nothing new to report of work inour area that would be of greatrelief to our out-of- work members.As usual we have promises of theSALT & MOX project at SRS; alsoincluded are hopes of the two newreactors at Plant Vogtle. For mem-bers who need work, a few FifthDistrict locals need electricians.Please call the hall and talk to Steveabout work opportunities. I hopeby the time you read this articlework will have improved.

A bit of history—can you nameall the Local 1579 members shownin the accompanying 1985 photo?

I strongly urge members toattend our regular union meetingsevery third Monday of each month.In November, 25 members out of750 decided what our by-lawswould state. Should just 25 mem-bers decide the future of this localunion? The answer is “No.” Come tothe meetings and participate. You

should not complain about yourlocal union if you do not attendmeetings to help direct its path.Remember, your vote is yourvoice—so be heard.


Rail Labor SolidarityL.U. 1631 (rr), HARMON, NY—

Metro-North Railroad workers havebeen without a contract for overthree years. The New York StateMetropolitan Transportation Author-ity (MTA) hides behind the RailwayLabor Act to avoid a settlementwith workers, knowing the Bush-appointed National MediationBoard will not release the unions toseek self help.

The Metro-North Labor Coali-tion—comprising numerous raillabor unions including IBEW Locals817, 1631, 747, 859 and 1573—isstarting informational pickets to

inform the riding public and law-makers that Metro-North does notbargain in good faith. Union mem-bers from all crafts are in solidarityto bring the carrier to the bargainingtable to negotiate a fair contract.

The Labor Coalition stood in sol-idarity with Transport WorkersUnion Local 100 of New York Cityduring TWU’s December strike.Metro-North workers attended TWUrallies and gave press conference insupport of TWU 100’s efforts onbehalf of its members. In a boldmove that gained national mediaattention, TWU shut down masstransit in New York City. The union

and the MTA then reached a deal in60 hours. But it came at a cost.Union members were fined and theTWU must pay additional fines.

These are the types of take-it orleave-it tactics used by MTA. Wemust lobby elected officials for fairtreatment. We can no longer electpoliticians who will not helpresolve labor disputes in order toavoid political fallout, as Gov.Pataki attempted. Workers deserverespect. We make governmentwork safely and efficiently. “WeMove America.”



IBEW Locals 1631, 747, 817, 859 and 1573 go to the streets for a contract.After three-plus years without a contract, IBEW locals and other unions ofNew York MTA Metro-North Railroad decided the public should know howthe MTA negotiates.


––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––NEW ADDRESS

____________________________________________________________________________________________________CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP/POSTAL CODE

PRESENT LOCAL UNION NUMBER __________________________________________________________________

CARD NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________________________(If unknown, check with Local Union)

CURRENTLY ON PENSION ❏ Soc. Sec. No. _________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________OLD ADDRESS (Please affix mailing label from magazine)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________CITY STATE/PROVINCE ZIP/POSTAL CODE

FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________

Don’t forget to register to vote at your new address!

Brothers and Sisters, we want you to haveyour JOURNAL! When you have a change of address, please let us know. Be sure toinclude your old address and please don’tforget to fill in L.U. and Card No. This information will be helpful in checking and keeping our records straight.

If you have changed local unions, we must have numbers of both.

U.S. members—mail this form to IBEW, Address Change Department, 900 Seventh Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001.

Canadian members—mail this form to IBEWFirst District, 1450 Meyerside Drive, Suite 300,Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2N5.

All members—you can change your addresson line at www.ibew.org.AD





Order “Taste of the IBEW”

and the embossed denim IBEW chef's apron

online at http:/www.4ibew.com



$10.2 billion annually in the United States. Rancourt said with 62 percent of con-

struction spending nationally occurring in

the residential sector, it is no longer possi-ble to cede to nonunion contractors. Withthe country’s industrial base increasinglytraveling overseas, residential constructionis a logical place to regain domestic jobs.

National Electrical Contractors Associa-tion chapters and IBEW locals share

advertising costs, often through the LaborManagement Cooperating Committee.

Others in the Second Vice Presiden-tial District are taking note of the Mainesuccess with Plus 5. New Hampshire andConnecticut locals are also looking at theprogram now. 1

Indiana Local Brings Work Back from China

IBEWCURRENTScontinued from page 5

Most headlines linking “work” and“China” introduce a sad story of lostjobs, distressed communities and work-ers down on their luck.

In Huntington, Indiana, IBEW Local983, representing workers at Carrier’sUnited Technologies electronics com-ponents plant, is writing a story ofworkers and employers workingtogether to keep jobs at home. Theplant has already hired 89 new IBEWmembers to retrieve manufacturingwork that was outsourced to Asia in2002.

In the summer of 2005, TylerBrown, Local 983’s business managervisited the plant’s new manager to dis-cuss the potential of bringing runawaywork back. Brown emphasized hismembership’s role in increasing theproductivity of existing assembly linesby five percent in 2004.

The following fall, the plant man-ager, Joel Jerabek, invited Brown toparticipate in a strategic planning meet-ing with the plant’s senior managementstaff to discuss the future of manufac-tur ing operat ions. “Surpr is inglyenough,” says Brown, they were talk-ing about growing the work force athome, not shrinking it further. Whilemost of the plant’s components areused in heating and air conditioningsystems, UT was actively developingplans to increase its market share ingrill systems for fast food restaurants.

In November, some union memberswere assigned to brainstorm sessionswith management over methods toincrease the productivity and overallbusiness operations within the plant.“These productivity initiatives,” saysBrown, have resulted in ideas and aplan that promises to “help UT Elec-

tronics Controls remain competitive foryears to come.”

Under the old production regime, forexample, printed circuit boards weremoved from one station to another inlarge racks. Now, work flow is improvedby keeping a stream of boards comingwithout stopping to load racks.

William Davis, who served as Local983’s president for 11 years, creditsplant manager Jerabek for recognizingthe strength of joint labor-managementaction during his prior service as thefirm’s fiscal officer. Under the parties’joint work design process, union work-ers were rotated, for a time, betweenjobs that were traditionally filled bymanagement, including humanresources and quality control. “Thishelped hourly people understand thebusiness,” says Davis.

Grievances were reduced from 300to 20 per year by focusing on issueslike overtime sharing, initiating mea-

sures to hold both union members andmanagers accountable for above-boarddealing. Some conflicts are inevitable,says Davis, but the work designprocess is “like a train moving forwardthat can’t be stopped.” Numbers tell thestory.

When UT’s former owner, Hamilton-Standard, moved its electronic compo-nent plant from Converse, Indiana, in1990 to Huntington, there were 300employees. Now the plant employs 625and is expected to reach 700.

Today, as UT finalizes plans to bringback 33 thermostat models that werepreviously outsourced to China, anincrease of 300,000 units per year isprojected.

Business Manager Brown is anxiousfor the opportunity to address the nextIBEW Manufacturing Conference abouthow the membership of Local 983struck back against outsourcing.

“Local 983 has shown that when thecreativity and problem-solving skills ofunion workers are released on the job,seemingly impossible obstacles, includ-ing outsourcing, can be crossed,” saysIBEW President Edwin D. Hill. 1

IBEW Local 983members, back row,left to right, JulieSeavers and NickFarkas; and frontrow, left to right,Mark Sheperd, Alice Dollinger, Dee Gamble,Bobbie Bolden, and Jody Mauller.


1 Dalton, R. L. 4,578.001 Hamilton, C. F. 3,000.001 Hoock, E. T. 3,000.001 Jahnsen, M. 12,500.001 Jepson, M. E. 3,000.001 Johnston, G. 12,500.001 Nansel, A. A. 750.001 Vaughn, L. H. 8,333.341 Warner, C. L. 6,250.002 Brinkman, H. K. 2,748.003 Brownell, R. J. 3,000.003 Hohn, H. G. 2,816.003 Horgan, D. M. 6,250.003 Loreto, A. C. 1,500.003 Milligan, A. E. 2,000.003 Olejarczyk, L. 3,000.003 Santarsiero, D. A. 3,000.003 Schmaling, F. C. 2,972.943 Silverman, R. B. 2,939.184 Sigman, H. M. 3,000.005 Amorose, R. F. 2,062.046 Barba, J. C. 3,625.066 Bianucci, M. J. 2,888.006 Perez, V. J. 12,500.006 Sargent, C. L. 3,000.007 McGovern, T. J. 3,000.007 Pilon, L. P. 3,000.008 Bair, H. I. 3,000.009 Berkshire, M. F. 3,000.009 Ellis, D. V. 3,000.009 Haines, R. E. 3,000.009 Vohasek, L. J. 2,942.3911 Burns, P. J. 3,000.0011 Osterman, H. J. 3,000.0011 Perkins, M. P. 3,000.0016 Cavins, J. W. 2,797.0016 Seitz, B. D. 6,250.0017 Long, G. C. 600.0018 Barker, E. P. 2,959.9918 Brombacher, C. F. 3,000.0020 Ginnings, C. B. 3,000.0020 Miramontes, R. 3,000.0020 Murley, C. D. 3,612.5622 Hassel, L. J. 3,000.0022 Hunter, A. L. 3,000.0023 Dahlberg, M. C. 3,000.0024 Sienkielewski, A. R. 3,125.0024 Voris, G. L. 3,000.0025 Meier, W. W. 12,500.0026 Best, P. T. 6,250.0026 Judy, S. M. 6,250.0026 Tanner, D. N. 6,250.0038 Barrow, D. R. 3,739.2438 Horn, D. O. 2,250.0038 Marek, N. L. 3,000.0038 Meaney, J. J. 3,000.0038 Shella, T. A. 3,000.0038 Strover, T. C. 6,250.0041 Clark, W. G. 2,914.5046 Holdt, J. R. 3,000.0046 Sharratt, V. A. 3,000.0048 Horton, W. J. 3,000.0048 Phelps, E. I. 3,000.00

48 Spaniol, H. A. 3,000.0048 Wayt, W. J. 2,931.0058 Austin, V. 3,000.0058 Glueckert, D. 3,000.0058 Stover, F. J. 2,083.3366 Hruby, R. L. 12,500.0066 Tappe, H. H. 3,000.0068 Gates, M. D. 6,250.0071 Cikosh, M. J. 2,732.0073 Billings, L. A. 3,000.0076 Thornton, J. W. 3,000.0077 Dahl, M. L. 3,000.0077 Hansen, L. G. 2,878.0077 Keen, W. H. 3,000.0080 Howlett, M. K. 12,500.0080 Taylor, C. I. 3,000.0082 Murray, T. J. 3,000.0086 Moulton, F. L. 2,500.0098 Hoffman, J. H. 2,922.00102 Zarestky, S. M. 3,000.00103 Mason, C. W. 3,000.00103 Pascarelli, V. J. 3,000.00103 Ryan, J. E. 3,000.00103 Schunemann, A. T. 3,000.00104 Davis, J. A. 3,000.00104 Fernandez, A. L. 2,788.53109 Orth, L. P. 3,000.00110 Blossom, R. S. 3,000.00110 Duff-Hruby, N. E. 6,250.00112 Hartz, L. R. 1,500.00112 Martin, W. D. 1,481.00112 Williamson, R. W. 1,500.00120 Clark, J. J. 3,000.00124 Kenney, E. L. 3,000.00130 Parker, D. W. 3,000.00130 Ziegler, I. F. 3,000.00131 Weese, D. A. 3,000.00134 Botello, F. V. 6,250.00134 Canlas, E. B. 6,250.00134 Collins, C. S. 3,000.00134 Cooney, J. J. 3,000.00134 Garritano, S. 3,000.00134 Groff, W. L. 3,000.00134 Kirscht, R. B. 3,000.00134 Lopez, J. B. 6,250.00134 Mayer, J. J. 3,000.00134 Mulrain, C. F. 1,500.00134 Schwerdt, J. L. 3,000.00134 Wain, T. K. 3,000.00134 Wilkins, D. D. 6,250.00136 Fuller, R. V. 1,000.00143 Irwin, W. J. 3,000.00146 Shoemaker, J. I. 3,000.00153 Miller, R. F. 2,932.00159 Deneen, D. W. 984.00164 O’Neill, P. E. 3,000.00175 Harvey, M. L. 3,000.00175 Queen, R. 3,000.00175 Robertson, H. D. 3,000.00175 Willingham, R. L. 2,920.00175 Worley, R. C. 3,000.00177 Stangel, B. W. 6,250.00210 Allen, D. E. 6,250.00

212 Chieftain, M. E. 12,500.00212 Neeley, R. 3,000.00213 Dick, G. 3,000.00233 Finn, J. W. 3,000.00242 Skerbinc, F. M. 4,588.72254 Hare, T. A. 3,000.00258 Mitchell, T. G. 2,940.00265 Havlat, L. 6,035.80269 Combs, R. A. 3,000.00271 Classen, D. O. 6,250.00280 Lorenz, J. W. 2,938.00292 Amundson, R. C. 2,942.39292 Cook, B. B. 6,250.00292 Getter, J. J. 12,500.00300 Albarelli, D. J. 2,942.39302 Kruse, H. J. 1,470.93302 Martel, R. M. 2,873.50304 Brock, K. C. 2,950.39309 Culli, B. C. 12,500.00309 Lyerla, D. O. 3,000.00309 Rutz, O. J. 3,000.00317 Howell, C. E. 3,000.00325 Panella, D. R. 6,250.00343 Koenig, R. J. 3,000.00350 Baker, P. W. 2,919.12353 Cook, F. T. 3,398.08353 Currie, W. 3,000.00354 Broomhead, M. S. 3,000.00357 Holmes, K. G. 2,868.00363 McDonald, J. 3,125.00363 Smith, J. J. 3,000.00364 Koch, K. A. 6,250.00369 Bachmann, P. R. 2,931.18369 Flick, T. E. 2,963.19369 Jantzen, M. L. 6,250.00369 Whitaker, W. V. 3,000.00375 Kelly, C. G. 12,500.00380 Knoebel, B. R. 3,125.00380 Otto, E. A. 3,000.00380 Smith, J. S. 6,250.00387 Rainey, R. H. 2,942.00396 Devoge, J. I. 3,000.00424 Cameron, F. E. 6,250.00424 Slocuk, P. 6,250.00429 Anthony, H. L. 3,000.00430 Rindahl, D. J. 2,929.00436 Murphy, L. E. 2,930.93440 Rawls, L. A. 3,000.00441 Gilman, D. P. 2,934.38441 Wahl, D. O. 2,936.72443 Richardson, K. J. 3,000.00446 Griffin, J. L. 3,000.00453 Stanton, W. G. 3,000.00466 Smith, R. R. 2,943.50474 Mackus, G. 5,403.84479 Bean, B. E. 6,250.00479 Hickingbottom, W. J. 2,920.00479 Lovelady, D. L. 3,000.00481 O’Keefe, W. R. 3,000.00488 Carrano, F. L. 3,000.00488 Jones, R. C. 3,000.00490 Sanborn, S. 3,000.00494 Brissette, R. O. 3,125.00

494 Kutner, J. H. 3,000.00499 Hoogerwerf, H. J. 3,000.00508 Saxon, R. L. 6,250.00531 Houldson, W. F. 3,000.00531 McDowell, W. R. 2,916.00538 Bell, O. L. 3,000.00553 Johnson, H. E. 3,000.00553 Reid, C. R. 3,000.00557 Graebner, P. D. 3,000.00567 Sykes, M. P. 3,000.00568 Beaupre, M. 6,280.87568 Hollosi, B. 2,920.00570 Bahill, S. 3,000.00583 Dominguez, R. 3,000.00584 Boyer, D. L. 4,201.24596 Toothman, F. L. 6,250.00601 Parson, G. C. 3,000.00611 Alderete, J. 3,000.00611 Crawford, S. K. 12,500.00611 Norvell, J. R. 3,000.00611 Oden, W. F. 516.70649 Ufert, H. E. 2,953.29649 Walter, M. G. 2,940.00668 Spencer, G. L. 12,500.00673 Heinrich, T. J. 3,000.00673 Vaiksnoras, D. M. 3,000.00684 Boggs, J. E. 1,468.26697 Akers, D. A. 3,000.00697 Shinneman, L. P. 3,000.00702 Friley, W. E. 12,500.00716 Barnes, G. D. 3,000.00716 Mahan, D. D. 6,250.00716 Story, S. R. 12,500.00728 Martin, A. M. 6,250.00728 Posey, J. F. 3,000.00728 Reece, W. 3,000.00734 Light, O. D. 2,946.00760 Lee, R. W. 3,000.00763 Wilson, D. A. 2,916.00766 Kerr, G. D. 3,000.00768 McLouth, H. E. 3,000.00800 Irby, J. A. 1,967.76804 Ginn, R. 3,000.00804 Stewart, J. 5,986.78876 Anderson, A. B. 1,460.00876 Mondrella, B. J. 6,250.00890 Block, L. E. 3,000.00932 Ashley, G. J. 3,000.00968 Hofmann, J. H. 2,841.571003 Allen, A. L. 3,000.001141 Smith, B. C. 6,250.001141 Weaver, B. R. 3,000.001186 Harano, D. M. 2,813.301186 Salvani, V. M. 3,000.001205 Banks, B. 3,000.001205 Lynn, C. E. 3,000.001245 Buzanowski, E. P. 3,000.001245 Colcleaser, L. I. 1,500.001249 Lotterio, J. J. 1,000.001249 Marshall, R. L. 3,000.001249 Troyan, J. M. 6,250.001260 Murakami, H. K. 2,960.001319 Clark, G. S. 3,000.00

Local Surname Amount Local Surname Amount Local Surname Amount Local Surname Amount

INMEMORIAMPBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in December 2005

pusher of this for many years; theyalways said it couldn’t be done,” he said.“Now they see it can.”

McAlister’s local, 295, was among the20 locals that until Dec. 31, was part ofthe health plan that covered most of thelocals in the 10th District. He said risingcosts might have forced them to raisecontribution rates or cut benefits. “Thecost of health care was driving up ourwage rate and putting our contractorsout of the market,” he said. “Hopefully itwill keep the contribution rate fromgoing up more. If so, we can add morebenefits to the plan.”

“With this plan, if we can pool all ofour money and all of our resources, itgives us more bargaining strength withour providers,” McAlister said.

Local 776’s co*ckcroft said savingsunder Blue Cross made the decisioneasy. “The PPO’s we had been using hadclaim discounts of 15-20 percent asopposed to the new Blue Cross with 40-45 percent discounts,” he said.

The 10th District plans have beenjoined in the national plan by trusts inMemphis, Tenn., and Lake Charles, La.Discussions are under way with otherplans throughout the United States.

President Hill directed IBEW staff toinvestigate the possibility of starting anational health care plan four years ago,in response to the requests of localleaders and members of the NationalElectrical Contractors Association, whowere approaching him for some kind of

solution to escalating health care costs.Sav-Rx was rolled out a year later,

The national pharmacy benefit programsimilarly takes advantage of volume buy-ing to give members and retirees pre-scription medications at discounts thatrange from 15-60 percent below retail.The program now has nearly 100,000members enrolled, and total participationof 220,000.

The NECA/IBEW Family Plan couldeventually cover everyone who is cur-rently in one of the approximately 150plans that each have their own third-party health benefits administrators,lawyers, accountants, investment con-sultants and labor-management boardsof trustees. Once costly but essential tosmall regional health plans, these out-side vendors for the national healthplan could soon be the only ones left inthe Brotherhood. Consolidating thoseredundant functions alone could savemillions.

“This plan will cut down on adminis-trative rigamarole,” said plan consultantDiem. Because the professionals thatthese regional funds have relied uponfor advice and expertise stand to losebusiness if their clients make the jump tothe national plan, they are generallydead-set against it. “That’s the problem,”said McAlister. “They have attorneys,consultants and administrators tellingthem not to do it. It wasn’t an easy deci-sion for us. But we felt it was importantfor the IBEW members to have anational plan.”

Just the possibility of pulling out ofexisting health care trusts in favor of thenational plan has already resulted inlowered costs for some regional plans.But the international officers warn “thistechnique of using the threat of the

national plan to get a new deal fromproviders will not solve the problem inthe long run. Eventually these localhealth funds will find it more difficult tocompete with the savings available inthe larger family plan and will have topay the full cost of their plans, costs thatwill likely be much higher;” PresidentHill and Secretary-Treasurer Walters saidin a letter to local leaders.

Once the plan has been adopted inthe contractor’s area, electrical contrac-tors, their administrative staff and theirfamily members will he covered alongwith bargaining unit workers.

“Unlike the non-union business sec-tor, we are trying to stay competitivewhile keeping our responsibility tomembers by improving the systemthrough maximizing efficiencies andreducing costs,” President Hill said. “Theother side is abandoning responsibilityto employees. We’re trying to live up to it.”

The national plan is modeled onanother successful IBEW health careplan that is also national in scope, theLine Construction Benefit Fund (Lineco),which includes approximately 100 out-side construction local unions. Participat-ing locals are from across the county,excluding the Northeast. Chicago andDetroit.

The IBEW officers believe that theIBEW can no longer afford to ignore theresponsibility to provide its membersquality health care. “None of us will winif we continue doing business the oldway,” they said. “The health care indus-try is rapidly changing and we have tochange our ways of providing benefits ifwe expect to continue offering realaffordable health care coverage to ourmembers.” 1

(Continued from page 16)


1319 Kuchta, A. 3,000.001340 Morelli, H. E. 3,000.001340 Sherr, P. M. 3,000.001347 Deaton, D. W. 2,875.171393 Abplanalp, F. 3,000.001547 Lund, S. L. 3,000.001547 Sparkman, S. T. 3,125.001547 Vanbuskirk, T. G. 6,250.001579 Murry, R. V. 6,250.002085 Murray, P. 3,000.00

I.O. (134) Kelly, K. J. 6,250.00Pens. (505) Cain, C. A. 3,442.25Pens. (561) Seal, E. B. 2,250.00

Pens. (1354) Remmen, J. F. 3,000.00Pens. (1470) Rybkiewicz, J. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Bennett, R. M. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Botteron, J. G. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Boyer, P. L. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Burns, J. E. 2,647.14Pens. (I.O.) Carlson, C. G. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Copeland, V. L. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Dedmon, D. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Denapoli, P. J. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Gibbs, J. E. 2,944.00Pens. (I.O.) Graber, K. W. 1,500.00Pens. (I.O.) Henderson, O. C. 3,000.00

Pens. (I.O.) Lemay, R. I. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Matalon, E. A. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) McCaffery, G. F. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) McCay, J. P. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Munson, R. G. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Nickels, B. E. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Norling, A. E. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Priebe, R. R. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Regan, F. C. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Ryan, M. A. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Schmidt, G. H. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Sejtka, F. E. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Snow, B. 3,000.00

Pens. (I.O.) Swanick, J. R. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Theile, W. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Theroux, C. P. 2,948.79Pens. (I.O.) Trader, E. J. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Triggs, M. C. 1,500.00Pens. (I.O.) Unzicker, L. W. 2,951.99Pens. (I.O.) Wald, E. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Walker, C. F. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Wilson, R. H. 3,000.00Pens. (I.O.) Wolfe, J. O. 2,937.58Total Amount . . . . . . . . . . . $1,131,091.85

Local Surname Amount Local Surname Amount Local Surname Amount Local Surname Amount

Name: _______________________________________________________(Please print or type)

Address: ______________________________________________________

Zip/Postal: ________________ Home Telephone #: ( _____ ) _______________

SS/SIN #:______________________________ Birthdate: ________________

Member of Local #:__________________ Card #: _______________________(On IBEW Journal Address Label or Dues Receipt)

Initiated into IBEW®: ______________________________________________(Month/Year)

Most recent employer: _____________________________________________

Job Classification:___________________ Work Telephone #: ( ____ )___________

I wish to study for a ________________ degree in ________________________

___________________________________________________________(NOTE: Field of study must contribute to the development and improvement of the electrical industryas determined by the Founders’ Scholarship Administrator.)

List your first and second choices for college:

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

Did you complete high school or the GED? □ Yes □ No(Send transcripts or other evidence to the Scholarship Committee.)

Did you have the opportunity to take apprenticeship or skill improvement training? □ Yes □ No (Send transcripts of your courses to the Scholarship Committee.)

Do you have any education certificates, awards, or professional licenses? □ Yes □ No (Send evidence to the Scholarship Committee.)

Have you taken any college courses? □ Yes □ No (Send transcripts of all college courses to the Scholarship Committee.)

Name used on class records: _________________________________________

When did you take the SAT or the ACT?: __________________________________(Month/Year)

(To submit new test scores, it is strongly suggested that you take the SAT I. We will use yourhighest score; therefore, it may be in your best interest to retake the test.)

My signature is evidence that I understand and agree to all the rules governing the scholarship aslisted on this application.



Mail application materials postmarked prior to May 1 to:IBEW® Founders’ Scholarship Committee900 Seventh Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001

Eligibility ChecklistFounders’ Scholarship competition is an adult program, to be used solely by IBEW® members. It is NOT

for the children of members. 1. Applicants must have been in continuous good standing and have paid dues without an Honorary Withdrawal

for the four years preceding May 1 of the scholarship year, or be charter members of a local union. 2. Each applicant must be recommended in writing by the local union business manager. If there is no office

of business manager, then the recommendation must come from the local union president, system councilchairman or general chairman.

3. At least two additional letters of recommendation must be sent by individuals who are familiar with theapplicant’s achievements and abilities.

4. Copies of all academic transcripts from high school, college, apprenticeship, or other educational and devel-opmental programs must be submitted.

5. A complete personal résumé is required. The résumé should outline education and work history, any specialhonors or awards, military service, plus involvement in union, local, civic, community and religious affairs.

6. Applicants are required to submit a 250-500 word essay. The title and topic must be: “How the Founders’Scholarships will benefit the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers® and the electrical industry.”The essay must be typewritten and double-spaced.

7. Applicants must submit a test score from the SAT I or the ACT. NO OTHER TESTING SERVICES AREACCEPTABLE. Archived scores or new test registration may be obtained by contacting: SAT (609)771-7600,www.collegeboard.org, SAT Program, Box 6201, Princeton, NJ 08541-6201; or ACT Records (319)337-1313,www.act.org, ACT Records, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, IA 52243-0168. To send scores directly to the IBEW®

Founders’ Scholarship, the code numbers are 0485 for SAT and 0697 for ACT. It is strongly suggested thatany new test taken should be the SAT I.

8. Materials need not be sent at the same time but must be postmarked prior to May 1 of the scholarship year.

Selection of WinnersAwards will be based on academic achievement and potential, character, leadership, social awareness and

career goals.The independent Founders’ Scholarship Selection Committee will be composed of academic, professional

and community representatives. They will examine the complete record of each scholarship applicant tochoose the winners. All applicants will be notified, and the scholarship winners will be featured in the IBEW®


Responsibility of Each Founders’ ScholarScholarship winners must begin their studies in their next term or, at the latest, in January of the follow-

ing year. Each term’s earned grades must be sent to the Founders’ Scholarship Administrator, together witha Founders’ Scholarship Progress Sheet. After the first calendar year in the program, and by each August 1thereafter, the annual Founders’ Scholar paper is due. It must be at least 1,000 words on a labor-relatedtopic, covering any aspect affecting the current labor movement or labor history. Scholarships are nottransferable and are forfeited if the student withdraws or fails to meet the requirements for graduationfrom the college. If a serious life situation arises to prevent continuation of studies, the scholarship winnermay request that the scholarship be held in abeyance for a maximum of one academic year.

Free Act of the IBEW®

The creation of this scholarship program is a free act of the International Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers®. The IBEW® retains its right to alter, suspend, cancel or halt the IBEW® Founders’ Scholarship Pro-gram at any time and without giving any reason, provided that scholarship winners already in college underthe program will continue to receive the stipends until graduation or the receipt of $24,000 for undergraduatestudy under their IBEW® Founders’ Scholarships—whichever comes first.




The IBEW® Founders’ Scholarships honor the dedicated wiremen andlinemen who, on November 28, 1891, organized the International

Brotherhood of Electrical Workers®. Each year the officers of the IBEW®

are pleased to offer its working members scholarships on a competitivebasis. It is hoped that the awards will not only contribute to the personaldevelopment of our members but also steward the electrical industry thatour founders envisioned.

This award is for $200 per semester credit hour at any accredited col-lege or university toward an associate’s, bachelor’s or postgraduate degreein an approved field. The maximum distribution is $24,000 over a period notto exceed eight years.

I B E W F O U N D E R S ’


Printed in the U.S.A.

Since the founding of the IBEW in 1891, one of its prima-

ry goals has been to promote safety and health—not only

for the worker but also for the worker’s family. The IBEW

was one of the first unions to have a full-time Safety

Department and one of the first to require Local Union

Safety Committees in its Constitution. Continuing this

proud tradition of being a leader in promoting safety and

health, International President Edwin D. Hill and Inter-

national Secretary-Treasurer Jon F. Walters are pleased to

announce the 2006 Safety Poster Contest. 1

RR UU LL EE SSThe contest is open to all active IBEW members only. To be eligible for the

contest, the posters must address safety either in the workplace, at home, or atplay. The artwork may be done either in black and white or in color. The word-ing on the poster should be limited.

Each poster must be submitted on 8-1/2 x 11 inch white unruled paper orposter board. Posters cannot include a company’s logo or company name. Acontestant may submit a maximum of three (3) posters. The following informa-tion must appear on the back of each poster entered: Name, Address, City,State, Zip Code, Local Union Number and Card Number.

Posters not complying with the above criteria will not be judged.Posters will be judged on (a) content of the safety message; (b) originality;

and (c) artwork. All posters become the property of the IBEW and may beused in any manner by the IBEW.

Mail entries to IBEW Safety and Health Department, 900 SeventhStreet, NW, Washington D.C. 20001. Deadline for entries is March 31,2006.

The winning posters will be published in a future issue of the IBEW Jour-nal. The winners will be notified by mail.

2 0 0 6 C o n t e s tW i n n e r P r i z e s

F I R S T P L A C E $250

S E C O N D P L A C E $200

T H I R D P L A C E $150

H O N O R A B L EM E N T I O N ( 2 ) $50 EACH

Safety PosterC O N T E S T

IBEW Journal, March 2006 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.